

Current Situation and Countermeasure Study of College Student Science Quality

【作者】 彭利荣

【导师】 熊兵;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会进步和科学技术的迅猛发展,当代社会对大学生应具备的能力提出了越来越高的要求。作为人才培养的前沿阵地,高等教育就非常有必要加强大学生的科学素质培养。但纵观目前我国各高校的素质教育课程设置状况,人们较多关注大学生人文素质的培养,开设人文方面的选修课、举办各种人文讲座来提高大学生的人文素质,而对大学生科学素质的培养尚未引起足够的重视,对大学生科学素质的培养也有所忽视。本文是对大学生科学素质现状的研究,主要包括大学生科学素质现状研究的总体思路、大学生科学素质现状调查及数据统计、针对不同大学生群体——理科生、文科生的调查报告,目的在于对当今大学生整体的科学素质现状有一个全面地、总体的了解。在调查和分析的基础上,以问卷整理和分析作为本篇文章的实证研究,调查的客观结果将成为本文的有力的证据。本文的内容主要包括以下四个部分:第一部分,阐明科学素质的基本理论问题。通过对科学、科学素质及其概念、结构的分析,阐明科学素质是大学生素质结构的重要组成部分。这是本文的研究基础。第二部分,论述大学生科学素质培养的必要性。本文从科学发展的需要、社会发展的需要、大学生自身发展的需要等三个方面论述了大学生科学素质培养的必要性。第三部分,本文采用问卷调查法,分析大学生科学素质的现状。为了保证本次“大学生科学素质现状调查”结果的科学性,本次调查问卷的设计是在参考国家有关机构对国民科学素质调查问卷和其他学者调查问卷设计基础上,针对在校大学生的实际情况,适当增加了调查内容的广度和深度,以期对大学生科学素质现状有全面地了解。对不同层次的大学生作了一次“大学生科学素质现状问卷调查”,并自此基础上对大学生科学素质现状进行了成因分析。第四部分,主要探讨了大学生科学素质培养的有关问题,包括大学生科学素质培养的重点、原则,提出针对性对策。总而言之,构建大学生科学素质的培育体系,以提高大学生的科学素质为目标,以加强科技理论为学习基础,以提高大学生实际的科技能力和水平为核心,以培养优秀的科技道德品质为重点的大学生科学素质培养的教育模式,势在必行。

【Abstract】 The ability having with the fact that social progress and the science and technology swiftness and violence developing, the present age society responding to the college student has brought forward the more and more high request. The science quality being necessary right away very much as personnel training a forward position, higher education reinforcing a college student cultivates. But make a general observation of at present our country every colleges and universities quality education course offered status, people is comparatively much the culture showing solicitude for humanity quality, establish humanity aspect elective course as a result, hold the humanity quality coming to improve a college student various humanity lecture, the science quality to the college student arouses sufficient taking seriously not yet, the culture to college student science quality also ignores to some extent.Pass to current college student science quality investigation and analyze the main body of a book, the demonstration arranging and analyzing as an article studies, the objective result investigating whether will become forceful the main body of a book evidence with the questionnaire. The main body of book content includes four the following parts mainly:PartⅠ, expounds the fundamental science quality theory problem. By expounding science to science, science quality and their concept, architectural analysis, quality is an architectural college student quality important component. This is the main body of a book research basis.PartⅡ, the necessity studying college student science quality cultivates. Need, the social development need, college student three aspects such as the need that oneself develops the main body of a book is developed from science have discussed the necessity that college student science quality trains.PartⅢ, the current situation analyzing college student science quality. The main body of a book has adopt a questionnaire to inquire into law, analysis having done a "college student science quality current situation investigation ", and having carried out cause of formation on college student science quality current situation ever since on the basis to the college student who is unlike arrangement of ideas.PartⅣ, culture, priority, principle and countermeasure including that college student science quality cultivates having discussed college student science quality mainly.

  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】716

