

Marcuse’ Theory on Technology

【作者】 蒋艳

【导师】 王能东;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在马尔库塞看来,技术不再是纯工具的总和,而是一种意识形态。技术并不是外在于统治的,它本身就是一种统治的形式,不仅保护了统治的合法性,而且变成了一个统治体系,这个体系吞没或抵制一切替代品。可以看出,马尔库塞认为技术是导致人类走向异化的罪恶之源,对其进行了无情批判。但在否定的同时,又认为技术是促使人类走向自由解放的最终动力,给予技术充分的肯定,并用希望的笔调刻画出一幅用“新技术”取代技术合理性从而实现自由的美好蓝图。所以我认为,在马尔库塞的技术思想中,贯穿着一条清晰的主线,即控制和解放的观点。对现存控制和压抑形式的尖锐批判,以及他所提出的解放景象—非压抑社会中的个人的全面发展,这都显示出了他的技术观的特色。马尔库塞的技术理论虽然缺乏有些马克思主要论述中多具有的持久的经验分析,缺乏许多理论论述中所具有的细致的概念分析,然而他却不断揭示技术如何具有政治维度,从而对社会,文化和思想的许多统治形式进行一套严肃的意识形态的分析。尤其是他提供了技术的控制和解放的哲学视角,提供了分析当代社会有力的方法和框架,提供了一种解放的前景,为现时代的理论和政治主题提供了一个可行的出发点。马尔库塞的时代虽与我们现时代大相径庭,但他以对人的存在、人的价值的关注为出发点的人本主义批判,对于我们如何认识我们自身以及我国的现代化建设进程都具有现实的启示意义。他的观点不仅有助于我们深刻认识和理解马克思关于技术的本质及其作用,而且对于我们认识当今世界发展的趋势、正确看待科学技术的作用以及我国坚持科学发展观、坚持创新型发展战略、构建和谐社会等都有着重要的借鉴意义。虽然他毕生在寻求从现代西方工业技术社会中解放出来,需求一种更具解放性质的,替代的社会体制模式。特别愿意对非西方社会和文化的文明有所贡献,但他却没有考虑中国的各种条件。在我们已经踏入另一个新千年时,如果马尔库塞看到中国及其他非西方社会的生气勃勃的力量,又将做何感想呢?

【Abstract】 In Marcuse opinion, technology is no longer the pour tool, but an ideology. The technology is not external in the rule , it is one kind of dominant form, not only has protected the dominant validity, moreover it turned a dominant system, this system embezzles and resists all substitutes. so, Marcuse thought the technology is causes the humanity to move towards the disassimilation source of the evil, has carried on the heartless critique to technology.But while Critique the technology, he also thought the technology is the final power urges the humanity to move the free liberation, gives the technology full affirmation, thus and portrays one with the hope writing style to use "the new technology" the substitution technology rationality to realize the free happy blueprint.So, we think, Marcuse’s technical theory is passing through a clear master line, that is control and liberation. On the control and suppression of the existing form of sharp criticism, as well as he made the liberation of the non-depressed community -the scene of the individual all-round development, which show that his view of the technical characteristics.Marcuse ’s technical theory lacks the lasting empirical analysis which some Marx mainly elaborates has, lacks careful conceptual analysis which in many theory elaboration has, however how does he actually unceasingly promulgate the technology to have the political dimension, thus to the society, cultural and the thought many dominant form carries on a set of serious ideology the analysis. Especially he has provided the technical control and the liberation philosophy angle of view, has provided the analysis present age society powerful method and the frame, has provided one kind of liberation prospect, has provided a feasible starting point for the present time’s theory and the political subject.although theMarcuse ’s time is widely divergent with our present time, but did he take to person’s existence, person’s value’s attention as the starting point humanism critique, how regarding us know that we own as well as our country’s modernization advancement has the reality enlightenment significance. His viewpoint is not only helpful to us knows and understands Marx profoundly about the technical essence and the function, moreover regarding us knew that now the world development’s tendency, the correct regarding science’s and technology’s function as well as our country insisted the scientific development concept, insisted the innovation developmental strategy, the construction harmonious society and so on have importantly profit from the significance. Although his lifetime in seeks liberates from the modern West industrial technology society, the demand one kind has the liberation nature, substitution social system pattern. Is willing specially has the contribution to the non-Western society and the cultural civilization, but he actually has not considered China’s each kind of condition. When we already stepped into another new millennium, if Marcuse see Chinese and other non-West society’s vigorous strength, also will make what feelings?

【关键词】 马尔库塞技术控制解放
【Key words】 Marcusetechnologycontrol liberate
  • 【分类号】B516
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】406

