

On the Impact of Chinese Paintings for China Contemporary Animation Design

【作者】 宋敏

【导师】 朱明健;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国文化博大精深,历经千载,魅力依然,在世界艺术之林永放灿烂夺目的光辉。其中中国画,是中华民族优秀传统文化中的一块瑰宝,是祖先留给我们极为珍贵的文化遗产,它是我们艺术创作中最为常见的艺术表现形式之一,也为我国动画艺术的创作与发展提供了得天独厚的优越条件,尤其在“民族性”方面为我们提供了极其丰富的表现内容与形式。动画是一门综合艺术,民族传统文化是这门综合艺术成长的最佳土壤。作为一门艺术,把民族传统文化融入其中,是其不断创新的动力源泉与实践基础,同时动画艺术也可以从民族传统文化的精髓中不断得到滋养与有益的补充。在动画片的设计中,文化的民族性是其内核与灵魂的最终展现,以本民族文化为支撑的动画创作应该是我国动画艺术创作的主流。随着改革开放以及国外动画片的大量涌入,中国动画片市场再次面临严峻的挑战。国外动画片在中国年轻一代人心目中及生活中的渗透力和影响力是不容回避的社会现实;然而纵观中国动画片市场,自20世纪60、80年代出现中国动画发展史上最辉煌的历史时期以后,至今一片沉寂,难得再有深入人心的国产动画大片的诞生。本课题即是在这种时代背景下提出的,综合运用分析法、比较法、例证法、归纳法等研究方法,以研究中国传统文化中的中国画为切入点,从纯绘画艺术的角度探讨中国画与中国动画片设计之间的联系和影响,把民族传统绘画与当代中国动画的设计相联系,把传统与现代相联系,承前启后,继往开来,弘扬民族优秀传统文化,促进中国动漫产业的健康快速发展,树立新时期中国动画片的新形象,为我国动画顺利走向国际、提高中国动画片在世界中的影响力,提供一条可借鉴的成功之路;同时探寻中国动画的艺术创作规律、研究民族动画的创新性、在实际操作中的运用性,满足现代人们精神文化生活的需求,更将关系到国家未来的主人翁——少年儿童的健康成长与文化教育问题,因此本课题可以上升到一种文化战略的高度,具有十分重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Chinese culture is broad and profound; the charm of it is still for thousand years. And forever it will still shine the bright eye-catching glory in the world art forest. The traditional Chinese painting, is treasure in Chinese nation outstanding traditional culture, is extremely precious cultural heritage that the ancestor left to us. It is one of the most common artistic manifestations in artistic creation, also has provided the advantageous excellent conditions for Chinese animation art’s creation and the development, and especially has provided the extremely rich performance content and the form for us in "the national characteristic".Animation art is a comprehensive one, traditional national culture is the best soil for the growth and development of this comprehensive art. As an art, traditional national culture which is the driving force of their source of constant innovation and practical foundation, simultaneously animation art may also unceasingly obtain the essence from the national culture and the traditional culture nourishes with the beneficial supplement. In the design of animation cartoon,the cultural national characteristic is the ultimate show of its cultural essence and the soul. To the national culture as the support of animation creation should be the creation of China’s animation art mainstream.Along with the reform and opening up as well as the massive emerging of foreign animation, the animation market in China once again face enormous huge and the stern challenges. Foreign cartoons in the minds of the younger generation and the penetration of life and influence are social reality which can not be avoided. Looking at China’s animation market, however, since the 20th century 60, 80 it presented the most magnificent historical period in the Chinese animation history. After the period, it has a quiet, a rare enjoys popular support more China-made animation of large tracts of birth.This topic is in this context of the times, the integrated use of analysis, comparison, example, induction, and other research methods to study traditional Chinese culture in the entry point for Chinese painting, the art of painting from the perspective of Chinese paintings and China’s animation design and impact of the link between the national tradition of painting and contemporary Chinese animation linked to the design of the traditional and modern link, link between past and future, carry forward the fine national traditional culture and promote China’s cartoon industry’s healthy and rapid Development, establish a new era of the new image of Chinese animation, for China’s animation smoothly into the international, to improve China’s animation in the world of influence, can provide a reference of the road to success. At the same time exploring the Chinese art of animation, national study of innovative animation, in the actual operation of the application, will have a bearing on the country’s future masters - the healthy growth of children and education issues to meet the spiritual and cultural life of modern people The demand and therefore can rise to a culture of strategic height, is of great practical significance.

  • 【分类号】J954;J218.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】472

