

Research of Container Terminal Wireless Communication Systems

【作者】 王振宇

【导师】 刘清;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球集装箱运输业的迅猛发展,我国集装箱码头的吞吐量保持了高速的增长。集装箱业务量的增大不但带来了庞大的经济效益,更给集装箱码头通货能力带来了巨大的压力。各个港口为了提高自生的竞争力,都积极探索新技术、新设备,将高新技术成果应用到码头的作业中。传统的工业控制网络由于其采用有线传输介质的局限性,很难适应码头复杂的地理位置和恶劣的工作环境,而以电磁波为信息载体的无线通信技术正好弥补了这一空白。随着无线通信技术的发展,手持式移动终端和车载式移动终端被广泛应用在码头无线通信中,这对于提高码头装卸效率及设备利用率都具有积极的作用。因此基于无线网络的集装箱码头信息管理系统的研究也越来越受人关注。集装箱无线通信系统具有高移动性、强保密性、抗干扰能力强、架设与维护便捷的特点,充分弥补了有线传输的局限性,适合在用于控制室与现场理货操作人员的交流,如安排堆场作业、调动货柜、指挥现场人员装卸船等,就目前的应用情况,集装箱无线通信系统已经在大部分港口得到应用。本文主要围绕集装箱码头无线通信系统的建立和应用,首先在实地考察了集装箱码头现有的无线通信系统,在掌握其工作状态和存在的问题后,提出采用单片机开发集装箱码头的无线通信系统。自行设计底层无线通信协议,然后采用高速单片机C8051F020作为控制器,无线射频芯片CC1100作为无线收发器,完成基本调度信息的无线传输,同时具有参数设置、无线重发机制等功能;利用可视化编程工具及SQL SERVER 2000完成上位机软件,利用ADO技术实现调度数据的存储与显示,同时上位机还具有用户管理,终端信息管理等功能。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of global container transportation industry, container port throughput maintained a fast growth in our country. The increasing of Container volume has brought not only a huge economic benefits, but also brought tremendous pressure to the container terminal. In order to enhance the competitiveness, ports are exploring new technologies and new equipment actively, and high-tech achievements are applied to the terminal operations. Traditional industrial control networks has limitation because it adopt cable transmission medium, it is difficult to adapt to the complex geographic location and poor working conditions, however, the wireless communication technology is making up for this gap. With the development of wireless communications technology, PDA are widely used in wireless communication. It has a positive effect for improving the efficiency of port and utilization of devices. People concern more and more on the wireless network research for container terminal control system.Container wireless communication system has features such as high mobility, strong confidentiality, anti-interference capability and convenient set up and maintain. It compensates for the limitations of wire transmission, and it is used for communication between control room and site operators at the scene, such as arranging yard location, moving the container, commanding operators at the scene, loading and unloading ships and so on. As the current application, container wireless communication system has been applied in most ports.This paper is around the establishment and applications of wireless communications systems. The author inspects wireless communications systems for container terminal in the field, After getting the work statement and problems, this paper raises a wireless communication system of Container Terminal developed by MCU. It designs the underlying wireless communication protocol by using high-speed C8051F020 MCU as a controller and radio frequency as a radio transceiver chip CC1100 to completed the basic operation of the wireless transmission of information. It has features such as setting parameters and the mechanism of re-issued wireless. PC software is realized by using visual programming tools and SQL SERVER 2000, The scheduling data storage and display is realized by using ADO technology. PC soft can also manage users and terminal information.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】183

