

Research of Data Acquisition Module in Engine-Room Monitoring System Based on CAN Fieldbus

【作者】 崔清玲

【导师】 李志宏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的飞速发展,以现场总线为基础的网络型控制系统已成为船舶自动化领域的发展方向。而CAN总线因为其总线协议的高可靠性、实时性和灵活性及其独特的设计和合理的成本已经成为总线通信网络的首选。CAN总线已被广泛应用于各个自动化控制系统中。从高速的网络到低价位的多路接线都可以使用CAN总线。例如,在汽车电子、自动控制、智能大厦、电力系统、安防监控等领域,CAN总线都具有不可比拟的优越性。基于此,本课题应用CAN总线技术,并在分析了CAN总线2.0B协议的基础上,采用结构化的方法设计了带有CAN总线通信接口的底层数据采集模块,并将其应用于船舶机舱监测系统。本课题首先介绍了CAN总线的特点及CAN总线技术规范,然后详细阐述了模块的硬件设计和软件开发过程。在硬件方面,首先介绍了机舱监测系统的总体结构和本课题所设计模块的总体结构,然后对核心器件P87C591的管脚功能和CAN功能进行了分析说明,最后以结构化的设计方法设计了模块的CAN总线通信接口电路,模拟量、脉冲量和开关量的调理电路,单片机外围电路,并着重论述了CAN总线接口的冗余设计。在软件方面,完成了CAN总线初始化、发送、接收程序,双CAN总线冗余程序,AD采集程序,数字滤波程序和脉冲量采集程序的设计。另外自行定义和编写了CAN总线应用层协议,使之更加符合本系统的要求和特点,并应用测试软件ZLGCANTest进行了通信测试,测试结果显示底层模块可以与上位机顺利进行通信。目前,在船舶控制系统中多数是集散型控制系统,而随着船舶控制对象的不断增加和系统增大,它已较难胜任复杂的控制对象。将现场总线CAN应用于船舶控制系统中可以分散简化控制对象,提高系统可靠性。本课题基于CAN总线的数据采集模块已经进行了厂内调试,运行稳定、采集速度快、通信良好,达到了我们预期的效果,已安装到现场,投入使用。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of information technology, the network control system based on the Fieldbus has shown the right direction for developping ship automation. And the CAN bus has become the preferred for the high relibility, good real time , good flexibility performance, the idiographic design and rational cost. CAN bus has been applied in all automatic control system. It can be used not only in high speed network, but also the low cost routes connection. For example, in the field of automobile electronic, auto control, brain power edifice, electric power system, security-defense monitor and control. CAN bus has the superiority that can not be compared by others. So after analyzing the CAN bus protocol 2.0B, this thesis uses CAN bus to design the data acquisition module which contains the CAN bus interface with structurely method, and uses it in the ship’s engine-room monitoring system .The thesis first introduces the peculiarity and technical manual of CAN bus, then detailedly expatiates the design procedure of the hardware and software. In hardware, firstly introduces the structure of the system and the the structure of the data acquisition module. Secondly,expatiates the important chip P87C591 ’s characteristics, foot functions and the CAN controller in it detailedly. Thirdly divides the hardware into three modules functionally to design separately by the modularized method, which include signal dispose circuit, CAN bus communicational interface circuit and the other circuits constituted the minimum system of the MCU. Forthly gives the wiring diagram of the module. The redundance designment of CAN bus is emphasized. In software, the thesis finishes programs as CAN bus communication, CAN bus redundance , data acquisition and data processing. The thesis defines the application layer protocol in order to tally with the system, also uses the testing software ZLGCANTest to do the communication test. The result shows that the module can communicate with PC favourably.At present,most of marine control system is distributed control system. With the increasing of marine control objects, it is not able to fit the complicated objects. Appling the CAN bus into marine control system may separate and simplify the control objects and improve the system’s relibility.The data acquisition module based on CAN bus has been debugged in the factory . Both of acquisition and communication are all right, which have achieved our anticipated effect, and have been installed and applied.

【关键词】 船舶机舱CAN总线单片机数据采集
【Key words】 Engine-RoomCAN busSinglechipData Aquisition
  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】371

