

Research and Realization of Central Station of Hydrology Measuring and Forecasting System

【作者】 崔常滨

【导师】 黎洪生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 设计水雨情自动测报系统,实现水雨情信息的自动测报,能够实时掌握水库降雨量的时空分布以及水雨情的发展趋势,提高洪水预报的科学性、准确性、及时性,提高水库的防洪预报应对能力,满足水库防洪调度的需要;同时,可以提高水库现代化管理水平,提高水库的工作效率,为决策部门的决策提供科学依据。水雨情自动测报系统主要由水文遥测站和中心站两部分组成。水文遥测站自动采集雨量、水位、温度、湿度等实时数据,并采用GPRS/SMS通信方式,通过电信部门已建的移动通信网络,将数据传送到中心站。中心站数据接收/监控系统将接收到的原始数据精心排错、分类,并建立水雨情数据库保存。中心站建立小型计算机网络,连接中心站数据接收/监控系统,为洪水预报、水情信息查询、水文资料整编等业务提供原始和实时水文信息。本论文设计实现了鹤地水库的水雨情自动测报系统中心站,主要从三层结构的意义上进行设计。第一层为水雨情信息发布系统,负责信息发布和用户交互。并对通信层发出操作指令,动态读写数据库(第二层)。第二层是水雨情测报系统数据库。负责记录所有水雨情数据,中心站参数,下位机终端参数,日志等。第三层通信程序层,即通信层设计,主要负责与下位机的通信服务,记录所有水雨情数据及日志信息等,可划分为三个子模块。1.水雨情信息发布系统与通信层服务程序的接口程序,命名为Webcom程序,使用UDP Socket作为连接通道。2.通信服务程序,命名为Water程序,接收Webcom程序发来的指令并执行控制无线数传终端操作,监听GPRS数据端口以接收水雨情数据并写入数据库。3.一个专用调试信息显示程序,命名为Print程序,显示调试信息,其采用控制台直接信息显示与Socket接收信息显示相结合。最后,论述了系统各层次之间的融合与协调。

【Abstract】 To design a hydrology automatic measuring and forecasting system,and to realize that hydrology information is intelligently measured and forecast automatically, can put reservoir’s real-time spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall and hydrology conditions of the development trend under control,make flood forecasting more scientific,accuracy,timeliness,increase the reservoir’s flood control forecast ability,and meet the needs of reservoir flood control.At the same time,modern management can increase the level of the reservoir and improve the efficiency of the reservoir,and provide a scientific basis for decision-making of decision-making departments.Hydrology automatic measuring and forecasting system mainly constructed with two parts,and they are hydrological telemetry station and central station.Hydrological telemetry station automatically acquire the data of rainfall,water level,temperature,humidity,and other real-time data,and using GPRS/SMS means of communication,through the construction of the mobile communication network built by the telecommunications sector,transmit data to the central station.Central station’s data reception/monitoring system will receive the raw data carefully with debugging,classification,and then save them in hydrological database.Central Station establish a small computer network,connecting the central station’s data reception/monitoring system,provide the original hydrological information for business such as flood forecasting,hydrological information, hydrological data integration and so on..This paper designed to achieve the central station of Hedi reservoir hydrology automatic measuring and forecasting system,mainly designed from the in the sense of three-tier structure.The first tier is named hydrology information forcasting system,which is responsible for information dissemination and user interaction.It will send operating instructions to the bottom communication tier,and dynamicly read and write database (second tier).The second tire is hydrological system database,which is responsible for recording all the hydrology data,the central station parameters,the lower remote terminal’s parameters,logs etc.The third tire is Communications programme tire,which is the communications tire design,and is mainly responsible for the lower remote terminal’s communications services,and the record of all hydrological information,such as hydrological data and log information.This tire can be divided into three sub-module.1.The interface program connecting from hydrology information forcasting system to the bottom service,named Webcom procedures,using UDP Socket as a link.2.Communications service program,named Water,this procedure is programmed to receive command from Webcom procedure and then send operations to control the implementation of wireless digital terminal,monitoring GPRS data ports to receive hydrology data and save them into the database.3.A dedicated debugging information display program, named Print program,it is used to show debugging information,by the means of combination of console information directly display and Socket_received information shows.Finally,all tires’ integration and coordination in the system is designed and discussed.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】216

