

Research of Vehicle Monitoring System Based on MapX

【作者】 安海雄

【导师】 郭庆平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的飞速发展,车辆已经成为人们交通运输的主要工具。交通工具的急剧增加,使得交通拥塞成了各个城市普遍存在的问题。道路网络的改造在已经建设好的城市中是很受限制的。为了解决这个问题必须采用先进的科技来对车辆和交通进行有序的管理调度。建立集监控、调度、指挥、科学管理、安全防范为一体的车辆指挥监控体系就显得尤为重要。本文在前人研究的基础上,通过分析地理信息系统(GIS)、GPS定位技术、无线通信技术,给出了基于MapX的车辆监控系统解决方案。并在模拟环境下实现了系统的主要功能。本文先介绍了GIS系统及MapX组件,GPS定位技术和无线通信技术等与车辆监控系统相关的主要技术。接着,阐述了MapX在本系统中的应用,提出了一种改进MapX车辆图标快速动态标绘的方法。然后,在以上理论分析的基础上完成了基于MapX的车辆监控系统的设计。最后给出了这一系统的具体实现。在本系统的设计与实现中主要完成了以下工作。1)把MapX应用到车辆监控系统中,实现车辆监控系统的可视化。2)实现了车辆图标在地图上的动态标绘。车辆图标根据定位信息在地图上实时地移动,用户可以直观的看到车辆在地图上的位置。3)搭建了一个基于TCP/IP协议的应用层通信接口框架。实现了把定位数据从车载单元发送到监控中心这一个车辆监控系统最核心的功能。4)实现了车载单元和监控中心软件的核心功能。本论文改进了车辆图标的快速动态标绘。MapX用于处理大量的静态地图数据,虽然MapX提供了动态图层来绘制临时的地利位置标记,但在处理大量快速更新的车辆图标时,地图的处理速度跟不上车辆图标更新的速度,会出现车辆图标闪烁等现象。为了解决这个问题,本文设计了覆盖在地图之上的透明窗口类HView来实现车辆图标的动态标绘,透明窗口是独立于MapX的Windows窗口。MapX负责把车辆位置的经纬度坐标转换成屏幕坐标交给透明窗,透明窗口负责在其上绘制图标。该方法使得车辆图标的动态标绘和地图基本操作分离。既实现了动态图标的快速更新,又发挥了MapX地图组件处理大量静态地图数据的优点。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of economy,the vehicle already becomes people main traffic implement.And with the vehicle increasing by,Traffic jam has become a common problem in many cities.Nowadays,the road net rebuilding is difficut in modern city.In order to resolve this problem,we must take advanced science and technology to manage vehicle and traffic.It’s time to Build up a vehicle monitoring management system with monitoring,conduct,scientific management,coordination transit and safety.On the person studies of foundation,through analyzing geography information system,GPS postion technique and wireless communication technique,this thesis put forword a vehicle monitoring system solution based on MapX.It carries out the main function of this system while imitating the environment.Firstly,this thesis introduces geography information system and MapX mdule,the GPS position technique and wireless communication technique etc.Secondly,it introduces the application of MapX in this system,and gives a methed to develop vehicle icon marking on MapX.Thirdly,fore the theories analytical foundation,it gives a design of vehicle monitoring system based on MapX.At last,it gives the realization of this system.This thesis mainly completed flowing works in design and realization of this system:1)It applies MapX in vehicle monitoring systm,and carries out the system visual.2)It carries out the function of dynamic mark vehicle icon on MapX.Vehicle icon moves on the map by the postion information.The user can see vehicle icon.3)It builds up a application layer framework based on TCP/IP,carries out main fuction of vehicle monitoring system that transfers postion information from vehicle part to control center.4)It has finished main function of vehicle part and control center.This thesis developed the methed of vehicle icon dynamic mark.The MapX is suitable for a great deal of static map data.MapX offers a layer to deal with temporary position mark,but it can’t deal with the fast renewal vehicle icon.It can make the vehicle icon and map flash.In order to resolve the problem,this thesis designed a transparent wondow class "HView" over the map to mark vehicle icon. The transpatent window is independent of MapX.MapX translates the longitude and latitude position information to screen coordinate and transmits it to the transparent window.Finally,transparent window draws the vehicle icon on itself.This developed methed separates map operation and dynamic vehicle icon mark.It carries out dynamic vehicle icon mark,and uses the advantage of MapX to deal with a great deal of static map data.

【关键词】 GISMapXITS车辆监控无线通信
【Key words】 GISMapXITSVehicle MonitoringWireless Communication
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】429

