

Research of Service Lookup Reflective Middleware for Pervasive Computing

【作者】 李翠

【导师】 饶文碧;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对于普适计算环境下的中间件技术,国内外已进行了长时间的研究。早期,对中间件的研究主要集中在自适应、人机交互、上下文感知、安全性等方面,而很少考虑环境的异构性、资源受限和可重配置性等问题。随着普适计算环境下动态性和异构性问题的日益突出,这对中间件设计提出了更高的要求。传统的中间件如CORBA、DCOM和Java RMI等,它们基本上都是采用黑箱抽象的原则,不能适应变化的运行环境和不同的客户需求,而反射中间件具有系统结构行为有序开放、重配置等特点,能支持针对不同的应用类型进行定制。因此,高度白适应性和可配置性的反射中间件逐渐成为国内外研究的热点。本文从理论和实践两个方面对反射中间件技术进行了较为深入的研究和探索,主要工作包括:1、介绍了普适计算环境下中间件研究面临的技术挑战,分析了当前普适计算和中间件技术的国内外研究现状及研究背景。2、针对普适计算环境,研究了三种典型的反射中间件。它们对本论文研究反射中间件模型具有重要的指导意义;在此基础上,设计了基于反射原理的服务发现中间件SLRM(Service Lookup Reflective Middleware)的总体框架。3、针对普适计算环境下的服务发现问题,深入研究多种服务发现协议,构造了一种支持多种服务发现及多种异构服务的绑定调用机制;对基于反射原理的SLRM服务发现及服务绑定模型给予了详细的分析,并基于一个应用场景,描述了SLRM的工作流程。4、研究了SLRM实现的关键技术,实现了基于Jini的服务发现环境,并运用CORBA构件技术实现了SLRM的核心框架;在上述环境之下实现了一个网络服务,用以验证SLRM服务发现功能的有效性。SLRM是基于组件技术的反射中间件框架,其设计目的是支持普适计算环境下多种服务发现机制及多种异构服务的绑定调用,并且通过反射特性可实现组件的动态重配置,能较好的解决普适计算环境下的动态性和异构性问题。相信此研究对普适计算下反射中间件的进一步研究具有一定的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Research on the middleware technology under pervasive computing has been carrying out for a long time. In its earlier work, researchers focused on solving the problems of adaptation, human-computer interaction, context-aware, security and so on, and seldom took attention of attributes of heterogeneous environments, resource-constrained and re-configurability. But with the dynamic and heterogeneous problems become increasingly prominent, more challenges on the design of middleware were presented.The traditional middleware such as CORBA,DCOM and Java RMI were designed with the principle of black-box abstract, which could not adapt to the activated running environment and the different needs of customers. But reflective middleware has features about orderly opening of the structure and re-configurability, it can support different types of application customization. Therefore, how to design the architecture for highly adaptive and reconfigurable middleware is becoming a hot topic.In this thesis, the solutions for the highly adaptive and reconfigurable reflective middleware were discussed both in theory and in practice. The main works include:1. Introducing the technical challenges faced by middleware research under pervasive computing environment, analyzing the study background and current research state of pervasive computing and middleware technology.2. Studying three kinds of typical reflective middleware which adapted to pervasive computing environment. They were very important for designing theservice lookup middleware based reflective principles------SLRM (Service LookupReflective Middleware).3. Constructing a kind of available service discovery solution based on pervasive computing environment to support a variety of heterogeneous protocols; Analyzing the service lookup and binding model of SLRM, and giving a application scene to descript the workflow of SLRM.4. Studying the key technologies of SLRM, establishing a service lookup environment based on Jini, realizing the core of SLRM framework based on CORBA component technology (CCM), and a network service program and a client program that used the SLRM framework have also been developed in this thesis.SLRM is a reflective middleware which based on component technology, it’s designed to support a variety of heterogeneous protocols and interoperability of services developed on different middleware platforms, it can be satisfactorily resolved the dynamic and heterogeneous problems under pervasive computing environment. The thesis is worthy for further study in reflective middleware under pervasive computing.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】174

