

Study on Informationlized Instructional Design of Primary English Based on Learning Style

【作者】 陈宝杰

【导师】 何克抗;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新一轮的基础教育改革提出了很多新的理念,其基本思想是以学生为中心。如何才能做到以学生为中心呢?以学生为中心,并不仅仅是在课堂上留给学生多一点的自学时间。要想真正的做到以学生为中心,必须是充分了解学生、认识学生的学习特点,了解学生之间的差异性,对学生的不同的个性特点给予尊重。学习风格是学生在学习中表现出来的一种整体的、持久的、并具有个性化的认知方式和处理信息的方式,是学生在学习中贯用的一种方式。教师只有充分考虑到学生学习风格的差异,充分运用多媒体的优势,才能做出好的教学设计,促进学生的高效学习和全面发展。本研究主要依据感知学习风格理论,采用Reid的学习风格问卷调查表(perceptual learning style preference questionnaire)对广州市桥四年级的小学生进行了问卷调查。在测定学生学习风格的基础上,历经一学期的时间,协同教师进行基于学习风格的英语的教学设计研究,以求教师在教学设计中充分考虑学生的学习风格的差异性,进行有针对性的教学。并在试验开展的过程中,进行观察学生的课堂反映情况。研究表明,这种有针对性的教学受到学生的欢迎,学生的成绩明显提高,并表现出了很高的学习积极性。本文主要分为五部分,第一部分主要介绍了问题的提出的背景和意义;第二部分主要介绍了本研究涉及到的理论,如人本主义教学理论、学习风格理论、教学设计理论等。这些理论为本研究的开展提供了巨大的理论支持;第三部分和第四部分为本文的主体,第三部分主要是对小学四年的学生进行学习风格调查。在第四部分中,在了解学生学习风格的基础上进行有针对性的教学设计。以求能够照顾学生的不同的学习风格,在各环节中对不同学习风格的学生进行分层指导;第五部分主要对试验进行了总结,对研究中的限制因素和不足进行了陈述,并对后续的研究给予展望。

【Abstract】 The basic education reform has a lot of new ideas, the basic idea is "student-centered." How can we achieve the goal of student-centered? Student-centered is not just giving students more time for self-study. If we really want to achieve the goal of the student-centered, we must be fully aware of the students. Know more about the learning characteristics, understanding of the differences between students, respect students with different personality characteristics. Learning styles is the way of students study. It is shown in an overall, long-lasting, and a personalized, when student understanding manner and process information. It is the consistent manner of students. Teachers only give full consideration to student’s differences of learning style, and make full use of the advantages of multimedia, can she make a good instructional design, and promote the efficient learning and overall development.This paper is mainly basis on perceptual learning style theory and use Reid’s learning style questionnaires. It conducted a questionnaire survey on Guangzhou Shiqiao fourth grade of primary school students. On the basis of learning the learning style of students, I cooperated with the teacher in the English teaching design research for one semester. So the teachers should give full consideration to the learning style differences of students and targeted Teaching.This paper consists of five parts: the introduction, the theory, the survey, the instructional design and the conclusion. The first chapter introduces the issue of the background and significance of this study; chapter II introduce the theory involved, such as Teaching Theory of Humanism, learning style theory, instructional design theory. These theories provide a huge theoretical support to this study; chapters III and IV are the main part of the paper, the third chapter is a learning style investigation of the four years of primary school students. In chapter IV, making instructional design on the basis of students’learning styles. In order to cater to students with different learning styles, and give stratified guidance in the various aspects of the different learning styles of students .Chapter V is the final chapter of this paper, is the summary of the trial, a statement of the constraints and insufficient. And give the Prospect to the future.

  • 【分类号】G623.31
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】800

