

Thoughts on the Situation and Promotion of the Advertising Critics in China

【作者】 李翠敏

【导师】 张淑燕;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在商业竞争日趋激烈的今天,广告作为商业竞争的重要手段和主要表现形式,充斥着整个社会。它对人们的消费观念、消费方式等都有重大影响,甚至影响到人们的自然观、社会观、生活观等。换句话说,广告不仅是一种商业促销手段,同时也是一种影响广泛且深刻的社会传播活动。广告在达成商业促销目的的同时,有时也对社会文化等产生了负面影响,甚至成为了低俗文化及其他不良社会传播活动的代名词。为保证广告在实践其商业使命的同时,有利于社会的进步,有利于先进文化的传播,有利于广大公众的身心健康,就必须开展科学有效的广告批评。广告批评的科学、有效开展并不是信手拈来的事情。它需要广告批评理论的指导和反复的开展广告批评实践。广告批评理论来源于对广告批评实践的深入分析、研究、总结和探索。同时,广告批评的科学有效开展,还需要借鉴其他学科如文学批评、媒介批评、影视批评的理论成果和实践经验。本文正是通过对广告批评相关文献资料的分析、总结,借鉴其他学科批评研究的理论成果,阐释出广告批评的内涵和意义,通过对我国当前广告批评相关文章的定量统计和定性描述,客观真实地展现出我国广告批评的现状,并深入思考、分析发现广告批评中存在的问题,并在此基础上,深入挖掘,找出引发这些问题的深层次原因,从而寻找到提升我国广告批评层次切实可行的途径。本文采取定性和定量相结合的分析方法,首次客观全面地展现了我国广告批评的面貌,并且首次将“生态环境”这一概念引入了广告批评领域,这些都是广告批评研究领域的一大进步,也是本文的创新和价值所在。

【Abstract】 Advertisement fills every part of the whole society as a very important method and representation of the commercial competition today when those competitions become fiercer and fiercer. It influences greatly on people’s conception and ways of consummation, and even influences their valuation on nature, society and life. That is to say, advertisement is not only a kind of way to increase the sales but also a kind of social activity that influences widely and deeply.But when the advertisement achieves its goal and does increase the sales, sometimes it blocks the way of the promotion of the whole society and become the representation of some vulgar activities. Some scientific and efficient advertising critics is badly needed to make the advertisements good for the society, good for the spread of the advanced culture, and good for the health of the public both psychologically and physically.It is always not that easy to criticize the advertisements scientifically and efficiently, and it requires the right understanding of the theory on this and the ceaseless practice. The theory on the advertising critics comes from the detailed analyzing, studies, Synthesis and exploration on the practice of advertising critics. Meanwhile, the theoretical profits of the other subjects like literary critics, media critics and movie critics also helps a lot when the advertising critics efficiently carries out.Based on the analyses and summaries of some related advertising critics, and also with a lot of theoretical profits of other criticizing studies as a resource of reference, this article explains the connotation and significance of advertising critics. Through a lot of statistics and descriptions of characteristics of the related articles on this subject in our country, this article also explains the situation of our country nowadays objectively and truly. It also studies and analyzes the problems aroused in the advertising critics, finds the deep reasons that do aroused those problems, and finally supposed the practical way to promote the advertising critics in China.Through the methods of the combination of a fixed quality and nature, by the first time, this article gives the fully explanation of the advertising critics in China, and introduced the concept of“ecology”into the field of advertising critics. All those are improvements on the advertising critics area and are the value and newness in this article.

  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】442

