

The Method Research of the Network Dynamic Specialized Search Engine Construction

【作者】 李一

【导师】 徐宽;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 图书馆学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着因特网的发展,网上资源日益丰富。其结果,不仅使其实用性不断增强,而且越来越多的人们从网上获取信息,即使有像Yahoo这样的搜索引擎,人们还会经常感到难以找到自己想要的信息。对于寻找某个特定专业或领域的内容时尤感如此。为了更准确、更有效地查找到自己所需的特定的网络信息,建立专门针对网上某一专业或某一领域信息的检索工具——专业搜索引擎,已经成为网络信息检索的迫切需要。由于学科的综合性增强,一方面导致了专业资源的剧增,使网络中存在各种各样不同格式的资源,为了能同时搜集到这些动态和静态的信息,专业搜索引擎的动态发展则是其必然发展的方向;另一方面产生了很多新增的专业词汇。然而,各种专业资源的网络化还存在一定的滞后性,因此很难利用现有的专业搜索引擎及时查找到所需的新增专业词汇。可见普通专业搜索引擎已经不适合当前人们查找专业信息的需要。为了解决以上问题,建立一种适合人们需要的网络动态专业搜索引擎是十分必要的。目前在国外,有关专业搜索引擎的研究正在成为一个热点,已有一些成功的专业搜索引擎及其项目,而国内有关专业搜索引擎的研究还较少,处于起步阶段。本文在对当前专业搜索引擎面临的问题研究分析基础上,提出了一种网络动态专业搜索引擎的构建方法。网络动态专业搜索引擎是在普通专业搜索引擎的基础上,对其Robot进行了优化设计;在其专业领域库中新增加了专业知识获取模块;采取了向量空间检索模型与PageRank算法相结合的方式进行结果排序;“分类——主题”方式的用户界面以及基于聚类的可视化结果表现技术。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of Internet, the resources of it grow very rapidly. As result, not only strengthen the use of Internet, but also more and more people take the information from the web. Although we have many search engine such as Yahoo, people also feel searching information difficult. Especially search one specialty or for one area. For the founding of the specifically information needed more acutely and more effectively, the construction of tools for one type or for one area professional search engine has become the urgent need for the web.As a result of discipline enhancing comprehensive quality, On one hand has caused the specialized resources increased sharply, and have various resources in the web. In order to collecting these dynamic and static information, it is a inevitable direction for the specialized search engine development. On the other hand has many new professional words. However, all kinds of specialized network resources have not kept pace with the discipline development. Therefore, it is difficult to search new professional words with the existing specialized search engine. Obviously, the ordinary specialized search engine already did not suit people to search the specialized information. For the purpose of solving the problem, it is essential to establish a kind of network dynamic specialized search engine.At present in overseas, more and more people have studied the subject search engine research, and have had some successful specialized search engines project. But in our country it is at the start stage and had less research about specialized search engine. Base on the question which the current specialized search engine face to, this article proposed a method constructing network dynamic specialized search engine. The network dynamic specialized search engine has carried the optimized on its Robot by researching ordinary specialized search engine. It increased a gaining knowledge module in its specialized storehouse. The search engine arranged its result with the vector space model combining with PageRank algorithm. It also has "The classified——subjectuser" surface and based on gathers of visible result performance technology.

  • 【分类号】TP391.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】129

