

Celebrity Advertising Effect of "Social Dramatic Theory" Interpretation

【作者】 王波伟

【导师】 张淑燕;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放的不断深入,中国经济步入了持速、健康发展的阶段。改革开放的时代大背景孕育了我国现代名人广告产生的大环境,培育出我国名人广告起步的沃土,正是在这种大环境和沃土上,中国名人广告潮适时出现,并逐步呈现一种普泛化的发展趋势。现代名人广告经历着从萌芽到成熟的过程,在这个过程中难免存在一些问题。而其中最为引起学界与业界关注的就是名人广告的效果问题,它一直贯穿名人广告研究的始终。目前我国名人广告的矛盾现状主要集中于,名人广告大规模盛行,但却未达到理想的广告效果。通过对名人广告效果的现实考察,我们发现:无论是从传播效果角度、经济效益角度、还是从社会效益角度考量,名人广告效果差强人意。据此,本文立图对名人广告效果问题进行拓展,进行创新性的尝试,以期得到有价值的结论。区别于以往业界与理论界对名人广告效果的讨论多站在传播学、心理学角度来研究的现状,笔者认为名人广告本身作为一种社会活动,从社会学角度进行研究是更具有实用性与可行性的。因此,从社会学的“拟剧理论”入手,构建一个由前台形象、后台形象和公众形象组成的分析名人广告效果的新模式,在此基础上揭示引发角色失调的多重矛盾诱因。依据这一模式,深入剖析了若干名人广告的成败得失,阐释了名人广告面临的难以摆脱的困境,并对名人广告效果的提升对策进行了思考,并结合“拟剧理论”构建的新模式提出相应的对策。希望上述尝试能够促使名人广告达到经济效益与社会效益的良性互动。

【Abstract】 Celebrity Advertising is a product of China’s reform and opening up, is the crystallization of people’s minds change, the necessary means of promoting and satisfying consumer’s demand .The socialist market economic needs and calls for celebrity advertising. Along with China’s socialist market economic development, celebrity advertising experience from infancy to maturity. In this process, there are some inevitably problems. The academia and industry is concerned about the effect of celebrity advertising, it has been run through celebrity advertising research from start to finish.At present, China’s advertising celebrity is in the conflict: large-scale prevalence of celebrity advertising, but it did not achieve the desired effect of advertising. Study the effectiveness of celebrity advertising , we found that: communication;economic efficiency;social effeciency are poor results.Accordingly, this thesis attempts to expanse some innovative, with a view to gaining valuable conclusions.Different from the past, the industry and the theoretical circle discusse the effect of celebrity advertising always in multi-communication, psychology perspective in the current, I believe that celebrity advertising itself as a social activity, in the sociological view to study more practical and the more feasibile. Therefore, from the sociologist’s "Social Dramatic Theory" to study the effects of celebrity advertising , and to form a new perspective, so as to provide effective protection for celebrity advertising. I hope that these attempts can make the celebrity advertising achieve economic and social benefits interaction.

  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】669

