

Study on the Culture Industry Policy of Communist Party of China

【作者】 孙永国

【导师】 李彩华;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济一体化进程的不断加快和知识经济的不断发展,文化产业在包括中国政府在内世界各主要国家都得到了不同程度的发展,各国政府也把发展文化产业作为了促进本国经济发展、提高国际竞争力和增强国家软实力的重要工具,文化产业发展势在必行。而文化产业政策是发展文化产业的重要组成部分,一个务实、可行的产业政策会大大促进文化产业的良性发展。中国共产党是中国的执政党,在新中国成立、改革开放和现代化建设过程中都起到了领导作用,取得了辉煌的成绩。在面临新的国际发展形势过程中,中国共产党与时俱进地提出了发展具有中国特色的文化产业,并制定和实施了一系列有利于文化产业发展的重要政策,正在实践过程中不断完善和发展。本论文主要通过文献研究法和对比研究法对目前中国共产党所制定和实施的文化产业政策进行了整理、概括和分析,介绍了当下我国文化产业发展现状、文化产业政策发展历史以及存在的一些问题和不足,在肯定了成绩的同时总结了经验教训,提出了我国发展文化产业政策的意见和建议,认为文化产业在中国的发展是中国共产党先进性和与时俱进性的具体表现。本论文第一部分阐述了中国共产党面临的我国文化产业发展现状和准备迎接的挑战。第二部分梳理了中国共产党文化产业政策演进的历程和主要特征。第三部分重点阐述了中国共产党文化产业政策的指导思想和主要内容。最后一部分阐述了落实党的文化产业政策的有效途径。

【Abstract】 With the constant development of the integration of the global economic and acknowledge economic, including the government of China, many countries have developed their own culture industry in different way, and they also think that developing culture industry is an important way to promote the economic, raise the global competitive power and enhance the country’s soft power. At the same time, as an important composition of culture industry, a practical policy will promote the development speed of the culture industry.The Communist Party of China is the ruling party in China, and she has leaded the vital rule in founding our country, reformation and opening and driving modernization and has got the brilliant achievements. Facing the new situation, our party points out that we should develop the culture industry and establish some policy to make it happen, and it has been done for some years and achieved lots of success.This thesis mainly organizes, summarizes and analyzes the current policy of China’s culture industry, introduces our development situation, development history and some problems of culture industry’s policy, this thesis also points out some advices, and believes that the development of culture industry in China is a concrete expression on showing that our party is an advanced party and she can follow the era.Chapter 1 introduces the current situation and challenge of culture industry in China, Chapter 2 points out the history and main characters of culture industry’s policy, and Chapter 3 mainly includes the guiding ideology and main contents of the policy, last chapter explains how to fulfill the policy。

【关键词】 中国共产党文化产业政策途径
【Key words】 The Communist Party of Chinaculture industrypolicymethod
  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】552

