

The Resources and Fauna Study on the Formicidae of Heilongjiang Province (Insects: Hymenoptera)

【作者】 彭一良

【导师】 任炳忠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 动物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 蚂蚁是现代昆虫区系中的优势类群,也是典型的社会性昆虫,全世界已记载的现存蚂蚁共16亚科,296属,9 538种(未含种下名)。我国幅员辽阔、地形复杂、气候多样,蚂蚁种类繁多,目前记录80属500余种,但系统全面的区系研究在大部分地区还很薄弱。黑龙江省地处我国最北部,是寒温带和中温带的过渡地带,蚂蚁资源和区系研究还是空白。因此,本论文选择了黑龙江省作为蚂蚁资源和区系研究的对象,旨在通过对黑龙江省境内的蚁科昆虫进行采集鉴定和野外观察,弄清黑龙江省蚂蚁的种类和分布情况。本论文的主要内容及成果如下:在综述部分,主要对蚂蚁的起源、分类研究历史、分类系统和国内外研究概况进行了综述,并对蚁科昆虫的社会生物学、经济意义、危害及防治、形态特征及生物学特性进行了简要介绍。第二部分为黑龙江省蚁科昆虫资源调查及分类研究。本人自2007年5月至2007年10月对黑龙江省境内蚂蚁作了较为系统的采集,采集范围为全省境内,采集地点选择具有典型生态特性的代表地带,主要包括大、小兴安岭,帽儿山等山地林区;镜泊湖、五大连池等水边及火山岩地带;三江平原、松嫩平原等平原地带;扎龙等沼泽湿地。共采集标本800余瓶20 000余号,经鉴定为3亚科9属27种,其中包括黑龙江省新记录种10种,并编制了黑龙江省蚁科昆虫检索表。第三部分为区系分析。黑龙江省在动物地理区划上属于古北界,东北亚界,东北区。东北区可分为大兴安岭亚区、长白山地亚区、松辽平原亚区。经分析,黑龙江省27种蚁科昆虫中,古北种有13种,占总种类数的48.1%,广布种9种,占总种类数的33.3%,特有种5种,占总种类数的18.5%。其中长白山地亚区无论古北种(12种),广布种(8种),特有种(3种),均比其他两个亚区的种类丰富,这也证明了长白山地亚区的生态环境的丰富。蚁属12种,占总数的44.4%,毛蚁属和红蚁属各4种,均占总数的14.8%,上述三属为黑龙江省优势属。本研究初步弄清了黑龙江省蚁科昆虫的已知属种及其地理分布,填补了该地区蚁科昆虫记录空白的历史,为该科昆虫的正确鉴定、防治、保护与利用提供了重要的理论依据;全文约8万字,手绘详细图谱27幅。本论文27种蚁科昆虫的标本保存于东北师范大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。

【Abstract】 Ant is a heterotic group in modern insect flora and a typical social insect. In the global record of the existing ants, there are 16 subfamilies with 296 generas, including 9 583 species. With vast territory, complex terrains, diverse climates, China has various species of ants. There are 80 generas including more than 500 species on record in china, but a systematic and comprehensive study on flora of ants in most parts of the country is still under way. Heilongjiang province locates in the northern margin of China, which is a zone of transition between Cold temperate zone and temperate zone. Ant resources and study on the flora of Ants are still in blank. Therefore, this paper takes Heilongjiang province as the research subjects of ant resources and flora study. Through collection, identification and field observation about the family formicidae in Heilongjiang province, this paper aims to clarify the species and distributed situation of ants in Heilongjiang province.This paper includes the following parts:In the literature review part, make a review about the origin of ant, the classification research history, classification system and domestic and foreign general research situation. Give a brief introduction about the sociobiological and economical significance, impact and prevention, micromorphological features and bioecological characteristics of the family formicidae.Part two is about the resources and classification research of the family formicidae in Heilongjiang province. The writer has made a systematic collection of the ants in Heilongjiang province from May in 2007 to October 2007 covering the whole province. Collection locations are chosen from the areas with typical ecological characters including the mountain and forest regions such as Daxing’an Mountain, Xiaoxing’an Mountain and Maor Mountain; the water front and volcanic rock regions such as in Jingpo lake and Wudalianchi area; littoral plains such as Sanjiang plain and Songnen plain; marsh-wetlands such as in Zhaolong. The total collection amounts to 800 bottles, which is above 20 000 in number. They have been identified as 3 subfamilies with 9 generas including 27species which include 10 unrecorded ants in Heilongjiang province. A retrieval table of the family formicidae in Heilongjiang province has been established.The third part is about flora analysis. Heilongjiang province includes palaearctic kingdom region, northeastern subkingdom region and northeastern area on zoogeographical division. The northeastern area can be divided in to Daxing’an Mountain, Changbai Mountain subkingdom, Songliao plain subkingdom. It has been analyzed that among the 27species of family formicidae, 13 belong to species of Palaeartic kingdom, making up 48.1%of total species; 9 species belong to widespread species, making up 48.1%; 5 species belong to endemic species making up 18.5%of total species. The species in Changbai Mountain subkingdom are richer than the other two subkingdoms in any species, including 12species of Palaeartic kingdom, 8widespread species and 3 endemic species. This is a proof of the rich ecological environment in Changbai Mountain subkingdom. There are 12 Formica Linnaeus, making up 44.4% of total species, 4 Lasius Fabricius and Myrmica Latreille respectively, making up 14.8% of the total species. The above three generas are superior in Heilongjiang province.This paper has clarified the genera, species and geographic distribution of the family Formicidae in Heilongjiang province initially which fulfills the historical record blank of family Formicidae in this area. It will provide important theoretical basis for the correct identification, prevention and treatment, protection and use of family Formicidae. The whole paper is about 80 000words with 27 detailed hand-painting maps.Specimens of the 27 species of the family Formicidae insects are preserved in the insect specimen room of Life Science College in Northeastern Normal University.

【关键词】 蚁科资源分类区系黑龙江省
【Key words】 the family FormicidaeresourceclassificationfloraHeilongjiang province
  • 【分类号】Q968
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】225

