

A Comparison of Entrepreneurship Education between Chinese and American College Students

【作者】 庞勃

【导师】 陈欣;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 创业教育有狭义和广义之分,广义的创业教育接近于创新教育,就是培养具有开创个性的教育;狭义的创业教育则是与职业培训结合在一起的。创业教育在我国起步较晚,发展的还不够成熟,在各高校的实际操作过程中也遇到了许多实际的问题,这些问题有来自于我们自身的教育体制的也有来自于人们的思想观念以及国家相关的政策导向,还有高校自身创业教育的设置和安排以及学生自身的诸多原因,本论文试图通过对中国和美国创业教育发展的历程和当前两国创业教育的实际情况做进一步的比较和分析,通过分析探讨我国目前创业教育存在的问题,同时借鉴美国的一些有益经验来指导我国大学生创业教育的实际操作,对今后我国创业教育的发展提供有力的指导思路和理论支撑。美国的创业教育经过近半个世纪的发展,已形成一个相当完备的体系,涵盖了从小学、初中、高中、大学本科直到研究生的正规教育。在我国,对创业与创业教育的呼吁早已出现,但从学术角度对其概念进行界定及研究,还是随着近几年创业实践的兴起,开始从国外引入的。我国的创业教育研究还处于起步阶段,并主要存在以下问题:一是创业教育研究的主题与内容处于介绍和引进阶段;二是从事创业与创业教育的专门研究队伍缺乏;三是缺少创业与创业教育研究的平台。深入开展我国高校大学生的创业教育,应有全球的战略眼光,借鉴国内外高校大学生创业教育的成功模式与经验教训,结合我国高等教育的发展实践,将创业教育纳入高校人才培养目标体系之中,构建有中国特色的大学生创业教育模式,培养大批高素质的创业型复合人才,拓展大学生就业新视野。开展大学生创业教育,是新世纪大学生思想教育的一项社会系统工程。只有通过不断探索、研究,从理论到实践,再完善提高,才能进一步促进我国高等教育的改革与发展,培养出大批具有国际竞争力的高素质、复合型优秀人才。根据这样的研究思路,本人把论文共分成四个部分:第一部分,对中美两国大学生创业教育的发展历程进行简要的阐述。第二部分,对中美两国大学生创业教育的理念和目标进行详细的探究。第三部分,对中美两国大学生创业教育的实践进行细致地分析。第四部分,通过国际比较的角度,对中国大学生创业教育的改革提出自己的思考。

【Abstract】 Entrepreneurship education consists of narrow sense and broad sense. The broad sense of the entrepreneurship education that is close to the innovative education refers to the education of training creative personalities while the narrow sense of the entrepreneurship education is combined with the vocational training.The entrepreneurship education started late in our country so that it hasn’t developed well and encountered many practical issues during the real operational process, which are caused by our educational system, public ideas, our country’s relevant policy-orientations, the setup and arrangements of the entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities as well as various problems from students themselves, etc. This thesis attempts to provide the practical guidance for the entrepreneurship education of college students in our country and offer strong theoretical support and guidance for the development of the entrepreneurship education in our country in the future by making further contrast and analysis of the Sino-US development process of the entrepreneurship education and the actual situation of the entrepreneurship education in these two countries, analyzing and probing into the present problems existing in Chinese entrepreneurship education as well as drawing on the useful experience of the United States.The American entrepreneurship education has formed a fairly complete system, which covers the formal education from the junior high school, high school, and college to graduate school after nearly half century’s development. In our country, the appeal for entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurship education appeared early; nevertheless, the definition and research of their concepts from the academic point of view were brought in from abroad with the rise of the entrepreneurial practice in recent years. The research on the entrepreneurship education in our country is still in its initial stage and primarily has the following problems: Firstly, its theme and contents are in introducing and absorbing stage. Secondly, we lack professional teams engaging in the research of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurship education. Thirdly, we lack suitable research platform for entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurship education.Launching college students’ entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurship education, we should have the strategic vision of the world and learn from domestic and international successful models and lessons of the entrepreneurship education. Moreover, we must venture the entrepreneurship education into the personnel training target system in colleges and universities by integrating the development of China’s higher education practice and construct the entrepreneurial education model of college students with Chinese characteristics in order to train a large number of high-quality entrepreneurial talents and expand college students’ new vision of employment.It is a social and systematic project of college students in new times to launch the entrepreneurship education. It is only through continuous exploration, research, from theory to practice and improving all the time that we can further promote China’s reform and the development of higher education and train a large number of internationally competitive complex talents with high quality. According to the research ideas, this paper is divided into four parts:The first part illustrates the course of development of entrepreneurship education for college students of China and the United States.The second part explores the concept and targets of entrepreneurship education for college students of China and the United States.The third part analyzes the practice of entrepreneurship education for college students of China and the United States.In the last part, the author puts forward his thoughts about the reform of entrepreneurship education for Chinese college students through the perspective of international comparison.

【关键词】 创业创业教育比较
【Key words】 EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship educationComparison
  • 【分类号】G647.38
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】3192

