

How to Embody Harmony Education in History Teaching

【作者】 王微

【导师】 王彦辉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 关于对和谐教育的论述,古今中外的教育家,都从不同的立足点给予了阐述。中国古代对“和谐”的理想境界就有了初步的探讨,代表性的观点就是中国古代“天人合一”的思想,通过探讨人与自然、人与社会的和谐发展,最终实现理想的“大同社会”社会。儒家学派的创始人孔子,对我国古代“和谐”思想的发展起了重要作用,孔子在总结前人和谐思想的前提下,提出了他的理想人格学说,并将这种理想追求贯穿到儒家学说的各个层面,成为有体系的“和谐”理论学说。不仅中国古代先哲对“和谐”思想进行了早期的探索,国外的哲人们同样对这一思想进行了积极的探求,古希腊的亚里士多德、柏拉图等很早就论述了“和谐发展”的教育思想,将“和谐”与教育的效果真正的联系到了一起。随着社会政治、经济、文化的不断发展,人类更加向往和谐发展的社会,而要达到和谐社会的目的,教育就是最行之有效的手段,在教育领域中必须落实和谐教育思想,培育教师、教育工作者的“和谐教育观”。在2005年2月19日,胡锦涛总书记在中央党校“构建和谐社会”研讨班上讲话指出:“构建和谐社会,是中国共产党人从全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的全局出发提出的一项重大任务,适应了中国改革发展进入关键时期的客观要求,体现了广大人民群众的根本利益和共同愿望。我们所要建设的和谐社会,应该是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。”和谐社会需要和谐发展的人,培养和谐发展的人离不开和谐教育。本课题就是通过古今中外和谐教育观念,结合我国建设“和谐社会”的时代要求,提出在我们教育实践当中,贯彻“和谐教育观”,通过培养能与自然和谐相处的“生态人”、培养能与自己、他人、社会和谐相处的“文明人”、培养能理性的处理国际关系的“世界人”为最终目的,倡导新型、和谐的师生观以及和谐学校,最终将“和谐教育观”落实到实处。

【Abstract】 When we think of harmony education view,we could see that a lot of educators who came from different countries and different times had talked about this subject.The ancient chinese people had also paid attention to this subject.The ancient china people wanted to have a society in which people could lead such a happy life that people could get along well with nature , society , other people and themselves.Confucius had set a good example to people.The foreign educators had also studied this topic.In the modern China society,people especially want to set up a harmonious society,our chairman HUJINTAO said that we would have a harmonious society,which was our main aim.This harmonious society was made of harmonious developed people.For that aim, we must have a lot of people who were highly developed their ideal.For that our education must take up this responsibility to educate our students to be harmonious people.In order to have a good way to educate the ideal people we must have special education aim.They are having a good relationship with nature,with other people,with the foreign people,and must a new relationship between the teachers and students.The last one is to make national education set up keep pace with the city.

【关键词】 和谐教育和谐课堂
【Key words】 harmonyeducationharmonious classroom
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】108

