

The Initial Research of Current Chinese Adman’s Psychology of Creativity

【作者】 岳丽媛

【导师】 张治江;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 广告创意是根据广告主题和消费者心理所进行的创造性构思活动,在整个广告活动中具有举足轻重的地位。当前,随着科技的发展,新型媒体的不断涌现,广告创意已经走出了原有的传统传播形式,内涵和外延都产生了质的变化。我国广告的创意水平在经过近三十年的持续发展和力量积蓄后,也有了明显的提高。但是恶俗广告、抄袭广告、虚假广告在一定程度上充斥着各种新老媒体,并在很大程度上影响着现代人的生活环境。虽然创意形式在变革,但广告人的创意心理实质是相通的。那么究竟当前我国广告人的进行创意时的心理是怎样的呢?为什么会这样?为能揭开这一神秘面纱,笔者从5个具有代表性的广告杂志以及中搜集了优秀广告创意人员100位①、作品100件,以及他们关于创意的几十篇文章作为主要分析文本,深入挖掘我国当前广告人的创意心理。文章首先以广告心理学作为基本的理论基础,从创造性思维活动的规律入手,探讨广告人进行创意活动时所具有的独特的心理特征、表现等心理现象;接下来尝试着从我国广告行业客观原因、广告人自身主观原因两个方面分析其形成这种特有心理的影响因素,并结合主客观原因给出广告人健康创意心态的参考标准;最后就如何提高当前广告人创意心理素质提出合理的建议和方法。广告业的竞争最终是人才的竞争,广告公司的核心竞争力是广告人。高素质的广告人才是中国广告业可持续发展的根本因素,也是中国广告业全面参与国际市场竞争并决胜国际市场的关键。随着近年来外资广告公司的全面进入,跨文化传播在数量和强度上的急剧变化,现有的队伍素质已难以与国际广告公司相抗衡,在提高广告人的专业素质基础上,进一步培养健康的心理素质应成为广告业界、学界乃至全社会所必须面对和关注的问题。

【Abstract】 The advertisement creativity is the creative activity which carries on according to the advertising subject and the consumer psychology, it has the pivotal status in the entire ad campaign. Now, with the development of technology, the continuous emergence of new media, creativity has been out of the original dissemination of the traditional form, the connotation and extension have qualitativly changed.our country advertising has undergone near 30 year sustained developments and strength saves, the creativity level already have the distinct enhancement. But to a certain extent the evil, copy, false advertisement were actually flooding kinds of new or old medias, and was affecting modern people’s living conditions to a great extent.Although changes in the form of creativity, but Advertising creative psychological essence is the same.Then what kind of the creativity psychology actually is when our country current adman carry on a Campaigns? Why like this? For opening this mystical veil, the author has picked up from 5 representative ad magazines to collect outstanding advertisement creativity personnel 100①, the work 100 as well as their words about carries on the creativity as the main analysis text, unearthed our country current adman’s creativity psychology thoroughly.In the article, took the advertisement psychology as basic rationale,breakthrough by Creative thinking activity rule, discuss the unique psychological phenomena and performance and other psychological features which admen has from the creative thinking activities.Then attempts to analyze the influencing factor form Our country’s ad present situation and Adman own subjective reasons. And unifies the subjective and objective reasons to give the adman a healthy creativity point of view a standard; finally I put forward the reasonable proposal and the method on how to improve the contemporary adman creativity psychological quality.The advertising industry competition is finally talented person’s competition, the ad company’s core competitiveness is admen. The high quality’s advertisement talented person is the Chinese ad industry sustainable development basic factor, is also the key that Chinese ad industry comprehensive participate and win in the international market.Along with recent years foreign ad company’s comprehensive entry, the Cross-Culture dissemination rapidly changed in quantity and intensity, the existing troop’s quality has facing challenge, in enhances the adman’s specialized quality foundation, further raising the health psychological quality is becoming the matter that advertising industry, the educational field and even the entire society must face and concern.

【关键词】 广告人创意心理心态
【Key words】 AdmanCreativityPsychologyMentality
  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】407

