

The Research of the Current Situation and Countermeasures on the Development of PE Game in the City Proper Elementary School of Chang Chun

【作者】 田云平

【导师】 郑风家;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着教育的发展,体育改革的不断深入,人们越来越重视体育对人类的影响。当今世界范围经济和国力的竞争,实质是科学技术和民族素质的竞争,谁掌握了21世纪的教育,谁就在竞争中占主动地位。学校体育是构成我国现代体育重要的不可缺少的部分,是实现“德、智、体”全面发展的重要组成部分,而体育教学又是学校体育的重要环节。体育教学质量好坏将直接影响到跨世纪人才的培养。但由于现在的体育课大多以“放羊式”教学为主,或者是那种枯燥、单一的体育教学,使学生对体育课产生“消极”、“厌学”的心理,产生了喜欢体育运动,但不喜欢体育课这一现象,使学生体质下降,也直接影响到学校体育教学目的和任务的完成。特别是现在的中小学更应该重视体育课的开展,重视培养学生对体育运动的兴趣,培养他们终身体育的观念,使他们不仅在体育课中“玩”的快乐,同时学到知识,锻炼身体,也达到了“健康第一”的目的。这也是国家体育部为加强青少年体质而实施“阳光体育运动”的目的所在。那么,体育游戏作为体育教学的一种重要手段,它能使学生对体育运动产生浓厚的兴趣、学到知识、锻炼身体和达到“健康第一”的目的,同时也能提高教学质量,促进教学任务的完成,能够改善中小学体育课教学和促进“阳光体育运动”运动的开展。所以说体育游戏作为体育教学的一个重要手段,它在体育教学中的运用应该更加广泛,作用也应该更加突出。因此,本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈和数理统计的研究方法,通过对长春市城区小学体育游戏课的开展现状展开了调查,对影响长春市开展体育游戏课的因素及调查结果进行全面的总结分析,提出了相关的对策和建议。希望能对长春市城区小学的体育课和体育游戏课教学产生积极的影响。

【Abstract】 Along with education’s development and physical education’s reform, more and more people think highly of the influence of PE. The competition in the present world is actuality a competition of technology and nation quality. The nation which grasp education will success in competition. PE in school is a very important part of our country’s modern physical project, and it is a way for a person to develop completely. PE teaching is an important teaching part of a school. The level of PE teaching influences the cultivation of talented man. Nowadays most PE class has much relaxation or is very dull and single. It makes that students dislike PE class, but like sports. It also leads to student’s poor constitution, unaccomplished of school’s PE education. Particularly school nowadays should think highly of the PE teaching and the cultivation of students’interest in it. Not only they are very happy in PE class, they learn knowledge and exercise themselves, achieve the object“health in the first place”. We should raise the thought of exercise all the life. It is also the objective of“sun-sports”conducted by our country PE department.So, as an important method of PE education, PE game can arouse students’interest in sports, learn knowledge, exercise to get good building. In the same time, PE game can improve teaching effect and finish teaching task perfect. PE game can also improve middle school and elementary school’s PE teaching, promote the development of“sun-sports”. So PE game is an important of PE teaching, it should be used extensively, and its affect will be more outstanding.In this article, we use many investigative methods, including literature, interviews with experts, the number of statistics, questionnaire survey. By way of investigating the current situation of PE game in the elementary school of Changchun proper, and analyzed the factors that affect it, we propose some countermeasures and advices. I hope it will be helpful for PE game teaching in the elementary school of Changchun proper.

  • 【分类号】G623.8
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1220

