

Research on the Achievement-objective-oriented Theory Applied in the Selective Courses of Football at University

【作者】 刘强

【导师】 陈钢;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在动机研究领域中,成就动机是心理学家所关心的一个重要问题。随着认知心理学的发展,动机研究的中心由动物行为转向为人类行为,与成就需要、成就活动有关的研究课题大量涌现。特别是在体育科学飞速发展的今天,运动心理学已被越来越多的学者和教师重视起来,其中成就目标定向理论就是心理学中的一项热点。并且,在当今世界上许多应用心理学家都开始从社会认知的角度和智力水平来说明个体的成就动机。他们普遍认为,人类的成就动机并非来源于客观现实,而是来自于人们对它的解释,人们的现实行动受到社会认知因素的影响,正是这些社会认知因素决定着个体的行为。本文对成就目标定向理论在普通高校足球选修课中的应用进行了理论分析和实验研究。成就目标定向理论是利用人们在完成任务的过程中,力求获得成功的内部动因,亦即个体对自己认为重要的、有价值的事情而乐意去做,努力达到完美的一种内部推动力量来开展教学,使学生明确自己的短期和长期的目标,并且为目标而努力,最后达成目标。充分发挥了学生对知识的主动掌握性。在学习过程中不断的完成短期目标,进而完成最终目标。本文主要采用了文献资料法,问卷调查法,数理统计法,教学实验法和逻辑分析法,以东北师范大学2007级足球选修班的40名同学为实验对象,进行32学时的教学实验,通过实验班与对照班的身体素质、足球技术进行实验分析。结果表明,实验班的成绩要明显好与对照班。同时对学生的成就目标动机进行了问卷调查,结果也说明了同样的问题。通过教学实验证明,成就目标定向理论是适合普通高校足球选修课教学的一种有效的方法,同时还可为其他学科教学提供有益的参考

【Abstract】 In the research field of motivation, achievement motivation is an important aspect concerned by many psychologists. With the development of cognitive psychology, the research object of motivation shifts from animals to human behavior so that an avalanche of research topics related to achievement need and achievement activity emerge in this academic field. Especially at present when science of physical education is witnessing a rapid development, athletic psychology has been attached importance by more and more scholars and teachers, among which the achievement-objective-oriented theory becomes a hotspot. In addition, many applied psychologists begin to explain the achievement motive of individual from the perspectives of social cognition and intellective level. They generally contend that the achievement motive of human being does not come from impersonality but their explanation of it and that the actual human behavior is influenced and decided by the factors of social cognition.This thesis conducts a theoretical analysis and experiment research of the achievement-objective-oriented theory applied in the selective courses of football at university. This theory expatiates that teachers utilize people’s internal motive—they try to succeed in completing their tasks and they are willing to make efforts to achieve tasks which they attach importance and value to—in the way that it helps students understand their short-term and long-term goals and achieve them by making efforts on their own, in order to successfully carry out their teaching. This kind of teaching method can fully bring students’go-aheadism in learning new knowledge into play and assists them to achieve their short-term goals one by one and ultimately achieve the final.The methodologies adopted in this thesis are literature review, questionnaires, symbolic statistic, teaching experiment and logic analysis. The undergraduates of grade 2007 from two football classes as electives at Northeast Normal University in Changchun were selected as the subjects and the teaching experiment proceeded for a semester of 36 periods. During the teaching process, the writer made a comparative research between one class adopting“achievement-objective-oriented”teaching mode and the other adopting traditional teaching mode. Through the analysis of the physical performance, football techniques and theoretical scores of the students from those two classes, the writer found that the unitary performance of the former class which adopted the“achievement-objective-oriented”teaching mode is much better than the latter, and the differences are quite obvious. The same problem was found through the questionnaires conducted by students about their achievement motivation. The teaching experiment carried out by the writer proved that the “achievement-objective-oriented”teaching mode was efficient and suitable for football teaching at universities, and at the same time it could provide useful reference for the teaching of other disciplines.

  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】419

