

Sports Information Quality of Sports College Students and Countermeasures Research in Changchun

【作者】 房磊

【导师】 宫本庄;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教育信息化是信息时代发展的必然趋势,教育信息化是将信息作为教育系统的一种基本构成要素,在教育领域中广泛地利用信息技术来促进教育现代化的过程,自20世纪90年代以来,世界各国都在加快教育信息化的步伐,教育信息化程度的高低已成为当今世界衡量一个国家教育水平的重要标志。目前,我国高校教育信息化的基本设施建设已经初具规模,以教育信息化为龙头,带动教育现代化,实现教育的跨越式发展,已成为发展我国教育事业的战略选择。信息素质的培养在其它的专业中开展的较早,而在体育领域中开展的较少,且相关的研究较少,本文借调查长春市体育院系学生体育信息素质的现状,从侧面反应整体的现状,因此,本文对于体育信息素质培养的研究具有深远的意义。本文在开始部分通过对信息素质概念的来源、定义、背景的介绍,引出体育信息素质概念,并通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法对东北师范大学体育学院、吉林大学体育学院、吉林体育学院、长春师范学院体育学院四所学校体育专业的学生的体育信息素质情况进行了调查,从调查结果中我们发现在长春地区的学生对信息的内涵,信息作用的认识不太明确,对信息内涵不了解和了解较少的占绝大多数;对信息作用不知道和知道较少的占64%左右。而在信息检索能力上结果显示有六成的学生不会使用检索工具,不会利用简单检索方法。更有甚者是在对于体育信息道德情况的调查中发现有些学生认为其他人的东西和成果完全可以直接拿过来变为自己的东西利用,完全忽视了自身在其中的义务与责任。鉴于长春市体育院系学生体育信息意识低下,体育信息处理加工能力较差,体育信息道德不明确等情况,本文提出应该加大宣传力度,提高院校和学生对于体育信息观念的重视程度,开设相应课程、开放和购置良好的设施,建立良好的软硬件环境,并加以正确引导来培养学生敏锐的体育信息意识。对于课程的开设要符合其专业的特征,有选择的开放和引入相应的课程,不盲从于它人,以学生为中心,充分考虑学生的个人特征,因人而异,区别对待。正所谓树人先树德,在培养学生的体育信息素质方面也是如此,对于学生的体育信息道德的培养,仍应放在培养学生的首要位置,树立学生正确的责任感和义务感,端正个人态度,为培养高素质的体育人才奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Education Information in the information age, the inevitable trend of development, education information is the information as one of the basic education system elements, in the field of education wider use of information technology to promote the modernization of the education process, since the 1990s, the world States are speeding up the pace of educational information, education level of the level of information has become the world measure of a country’s educational level is an important indicator. At present, China’s Higher Education information infrastructure construction has taken initial shape, leading information technology education, promote educational modernization, realizing the leapfrog development of education, the development of China’s education has become the cause of strategic choice. Information Quality appearing on other field is earlier, while in the field of sports field Information Quality has little people to research, the paper which surveys Changchun’s Sports College students’the quality of sports information is the overall reaction status from the side, therefore, the paper quality of the sports culture of information has far-researching significance.In this paper, the first part of the paper shows the conception of quality of information sources, definitions, background, leads to the concept of quality of sports Information Quality, and by using literature, expert-interviewing, questionnaire-surveying and Mathematical Statistics to inspect the Sport Institute of Northeast Normal University, Jilin University Sport Institute, the Institute of Jilin, Changchun Normal College Sport Institute, four professional sports school students’the quality of sports information conducted a survey from the survey results, we found that students don’t understand the content of the information, the role of information Clear, the meaning of information.what’s more they almost understand of the conception in Changchun; They who do not know the role of information are about 64 percent. And the ability to retrieve information on the results showed that 60% of students will not use search tools,the simple method of retrieval. Even worse is the moral case for sports information in the investigation found that some students believe other people’s Monograph and achievement can be directly took up as their own things, completely ignoring their obligations and responsibilities.In view of the Changchun Sports College Sports Information student awareness of the information is lower, The capacity of sports information processing is lower, and Sport information moral is also ambiguity, this paper will try its efforts to promote and improve the attention and set up the corresponding courses, buy the purchase of good facilities, to create good hardware and software environment, and to correctly guide the students to develop their awareness of sports information. In addition, the opening of courses to fit their professional characteristics, choose reasonable courses, do not blind obedience to it, It is important to remember students is the centre, giving full consideration to meet the personal characteristics of students, vary from person to person and treat them differently. Before training people we should first cultivate moral character, training students in the sports information quality, It is the case, the sports information for students of ethics training, students should put it on the primary position, and train students’proper sense of responsibility and obligation, to correct attitude of the individual , it is the foundation for the training of high-quality sports talents .

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】150

