

Case Study of New Chinese Teacher’s Occupational Adaptation in High School

【作者】 高剑华

【导师】 王小英;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国有世界上最庞大的教师队伍,每年都有大量的新教师加入这个队伍。这些刚刚毕业的大学生进入教育一线,为基础教育注入“新鲜的血液”。然而,他们的职业适应并不是一蹴而就或一帆风顺的。作为教师队伍中一类特殊群体,新教师能否快速地、健康地、稳定地适应教师生活,是一个非常迫切的问题。为了更深入地了解新教师这一特殊群体,本研究将目光锁定在新教师职业适应的个案研究上,选择了一位高中语文新教师为观察样本。通过参与到他的日常教学活动中,真实地反应他在职业适应过程中遇到的种种情况及其应对措施,对此做出研究者的解释。并试图根据所观察到的事实综合分析影响新教师职业适应的各种因素,提出针对性的建议,以期为尽可能地缩短新教师职业适应周期提供些许启示。根据教师职业的特点,本研究从四个方面——教育信念、教学技能、课堂管理、职业关系对研究材料进行梳理、分析和讨论。根据讨论结果,归纳总结出新教师职业适应的影响因素——自身因素和外部因素。自身因素包括自我期待和职业规划,外部因素包括了学校管理、师徒制度、师范教育和入职培训。最后针对这些影响因素,给新教师、任教学校和师范院校提出几点建议:新教师应该对职业适应期的教学有合理的期待,对职业生涯要进行精心规划,积极发展自我;任教学校则应该科学管理新教师和完善师徒制度;师范院校应对师范教育进行改革并踊跃参与到入职培训当中。

【Abstract】 China has the world’s largest contingent of teachers, and every year a large number of new teachers to join the team.These university graduates had just entered the forefront of education, inject basic education "fresh blood." However, their job is not to take place overnight or easy.As a special kind teacher of team groups, whether new teachers have the capability of rapid, healthy and stable life to teachers is a very pressing issue.In order to better understand this special group of new teachers,the study will look at a new vocational teachers to the case studies, choose a new chinese teacher of high school for the sample observation. Through participation in his day-to-day activities of teaching, the researcher reports his various encounter and reaction, and says something in explanation of his behaviors. According to the observed facts,I analyze influencing factors of adaptation to teacher vocation,give targeted recommendations, providing some inspiration cycle to shorten as much as possible the new vocational teachers.According to the characteristics of the teaching profession, analyze and discuss the research materials from four areas - education beliefs, teaching skills, classroom management and professional relations. According to the results of discussion, sum influencing factors of occupational adaptation-own factors and external factors. Own factors include their own self-expectations and career planning.External factors include school management, mentoring system, teacher education and induction training. Finally,put forward some proposals to the new teachers, schools and normal university.New teachers should have rational expectation, carry out career planning carefully and actively develop self. Schools should manage new teachers scientifically and improve the apprenticeship system.Normal university should reform teacher education and take part in the induction training.

【关键词】 新教师职业适应个案研究建议
【Key words】 New teacherProfessional adaptationCase studySuggestion
  • 【分类号】G633.3;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】516

