

A Study of Diagnostic Functions of Formative Evaluation with Tests in English Teaching of Senior Middle School

【作者】 郑宇

【导师】 孔德惠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 根据我国基础阶段英语教育的实际情况,英语课程标准把学习评价体系分为形成性评价和终结性评价两大类,并指出要采用形成性评价和终结性评价相结合的方式,既关注结果,又关注过程,使对学习过程和对学习结果的评价达到和谐统一。在学习英语的过程中要以形成性评价为主。通过形成性评价使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合运用能力的全面发展;使教师获取英语教学的反馈信息,对自己的教学行为进行反思并做出适当的调整,促进教师不断提高教育教学水平。从2001年至今,英语课程改革已经开始从实验期进入了全面实施阶段。评价既是英语课程的重要有机组成部分,又是实现课程标准的重要保障。但在我国传统的评价理论仍然占主要地位,而且评价方式单一,失去了它应有的意义。这严重制约着课程的改革和发展,对学生的学习缺少指导作用。具体表现在忽视人文性,评价目标过度强调学科知识体系和以考试为评价的唯一形式。比如在英语教学中渗透着大量的考试,不仅不利于学生的全面发展,反而使学生的身心发展受到伤害和限制。国内外对形成性评价的研究屡见不鲜,但针对形成性评价中的测试型评价研究比较少。在我国传统的评价模式“测试”在很广大的地区内仍然占评价的主体,尽管新课标颁布后,一些学校已经开始使用了形成性评价的某些形式,但使用最多的还是测试。鉴于这种情况,作者试图对测试型形成性评价在高中英语教学中的诊断功能进行一次调查研究。本文通过查阅大量文献,阐述了形成性评价的含义、优势,同时指出“测试型形成性评价”的功能及以及形成性评价在高中英语教学中的应用价值。根据本文需要,作者编写了针对学生的调查问卷并设计了针对教师的访谈问题,试图通过收集调查问卷和访谈内容来了解形成性评价在高中英语教学中的应用程度。从中作者发现在我国倡导已久的形成性评价在高中英语教学中并没有全面应用,教师们把检测学生学习成绩的重点都放在测试上,使用最多的还是测试这种评价形式。作者通过对当前高中英语教学评价中使用最多的评价形式,即测试型形成性评价的调查和研究指出:即使是测试这种当前普遍使用的评价方式,也没能充分体现出评价的诊断反馈功能。作者希望以此唤起广大一线教师的共识,努力寻求形成性评价和终结性评价的最佳结合点,优化教学过程,提高评价的双向调节功能,即:既改进教师教学方法又改善学生学习方式。使教学评价真正起到信息反馈的功能,激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力的发展,增强学习的积极性和自信心,成为新课程改革的推动者,最终使得现实的课堂教学实践早日摆脱应试教育的局限。最后是作者针对此项研究的一些个人意见和看法。

【Abstract】 According to the actual situation of English education in the foundation phase of China, English Curriculum Standard divides the assessing system into the formative and terminal evaluation types, indicating that we should adopt a combination way of them to follow both results and processes of learning closely, so that the evaluations for studying processes and results achieve harmony and unification. During the English studying process, formative evaluation should be given priority. By using formative evaluation, teachers help students experience progress and success unceasingly during the English studying process to apply what they have learned, know themselves and build confidence to promote their integrated ability. At the same time teachers can get reflective information from their teaching to rethink and adjust properly their own teaching behaviors, which can promote teachers to improve their ability constantly. Since 2001, English curriculum reformation has already started, from the experimental phase into the completely implementing phase. Evaluation is one important part of English curriculum and is also one important guarantee to realize the New Curriculum Standard. But in China the traditional evaluation theory is still in highest flight, and the evaluation method is singular, which drastically reduces its significance. It also restricts the curriculum’s reformation and development seriously and impairs the instructing effect for students’studying. Neglecting humanity, excessively emphasizing subjects’knowledge system on evaluation goal and taking test as the only evaluation form are the concrete expressions. That is, using too many exams in English teaching. It is not only bad for students’comprehensive development, also harmful for their physical and psychological development.There have been numerous studies about formative evaluation at home and abroad, but the studies focused on testing as formative evaluation are relatively few, because the traditional evaluation mode, i.e. tests, still takes the main part in many places. Although the New Curriculum Standard has been issued, and that some schools have already started to use some forms of formative evaluation, the most used form is still tests. In view of this situation, the author attempted to do a research on the diagnostic functions of formative evaluation with tests in English teaching of Senior Middle School.By looking up a lot of Chinese and foreign academic words, the author elaborated formative evaluation’s definition and advantages, pointing out the functions of formative evaluation with tests and formative evaluation’s applying value in English teaching of Senior Middle School. Based on the needs of the study, questionnaires and interview questions were designed. The author attempted to find out the degree to which of formative evaluation is applied in English teaching of Senior Middle School by collecting questionnaire data and interviewing records.From the data, the author found that although formative evaluation has been introduced for a long time, it is still inadequately applied in Senior English teaching. Teachers put emphasis on testing for checking students’studying results. The most often used evaluation form is still tests. The author found that even the most frequently used mode of formative evaluation tests still couldn’t realize adequately evaluation’s diagnostic functions. By investigating the most popularized evaluation form, tests, in Senior English teaching at present, the author hoped to take this article to arouse all teachers’consensus and try hard to seek the best combination point of formative evaluation and terminal evaluation to optimize teaching process and raise evaluation’s two-direction adjusting function, that is, improving teaching methods for teacher and improving studying methods for students. Make teaching evaluation realize information feedback’s function in deed. Stimulate students’studying interest and autonomous learning ability’s development. Strengthen studying enthusiasm and confidence and become the propeller of new curriculum reformation. Finally, make realistic classroom teaching get rid of test-oriented education’s limitation. At the end, the author gave his personal opinions and ideas about the study.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】530

