

National Culture Resources and Chinese Animation Communication

【作者】 佟盟

【导师】 张树武;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究目的是为成功传播中国动画提供一些建议和方法。研究过程中以中国动画传播为主要框架,通过对中国动画片现状的综合把握,分析总结民族文化在中国动画传播中的作用,提出一些建设性的发展方法。首先,讨论了当今中国动画发展面临的问题,进而提出民族文化对中国动画的传播具有重要的意义,并界定了本论文所使用的民族文化的概念,总结归纳出民族文化资源与中国动画传播的关系;其次,依据传播学的“使用与满足”理论、“培养”理论以及文化心理学的“文化自觉心理”和“文化恒常心理”理论来论证在中国动画片中融入民族文化的必要性;最后,根据已有的一些成功案例总结提出了在中国动画传播中融入民族文化的措施、方法,如大力挖掘丰富的民族文化内涵、在动画的构成要素上选用展现民族文化特点的元素、在动画片的画法上弘扬中国独特的美术风格、在民族文化中融入现代的流行元素将其与时俱进的发展以及跨文化传播等等一系列措施。在已经研究的中国动画传播领域,主要是针对西方动画的造型风格和技术手段等层面的研究较多,也有部分文章涉及民族文化方面。本文拟通过对民族文化的分析,提出适合中国动画传播的发展策略,具有一定的现实意义。随着党中央关于扶持民族动漫产业政策的提出,本研究也更加具有时代感。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the main purpose of the study is to provide the theoretical support for successful dissemination of Chinese animations. The research is based on the comprehensive grasp of the Chinese animation. Analyzing the situation and problems of the Chinese animation and put forward some constructive development strategies.Firstly, discussed the misunderstandings and problems of the Chinese animation and then proposing Chinese ancient culture is very important for spreading the Chinese animation. In order to avoid the misunderstandings in my paper, I defined the concept of national culture in this paper. Sumed up the relationship between national culture and Chinese animation; Secondly, using the theories of the Communication and Cultural Psychology to support the importance of the Chinese culture in the animation; Thirdly, using the successful animations to sum up how to mix the Chinese culture into Chinese animations and spread the Chinese animations.The dissemination strategies of Chinese animation have been discussed for many years. It mainly focused on the technical and style of the western animations and seldom of them discussed the cultural aspect of the animation. With the Central Committee proposing some policies to benefit the national animation industry, this paper is aimed for providing suitable dissemination strategies of Chinese animation through the research of Chinese traditional culture.

【关键词】 中国动画民族文化传播
【Key words】 Chinese AnimationNational CultureCommunication
  • 【分类号】J954
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】948

