

The Counter-discourse Strategy in Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book

【作者】 郭建莉

【导师】 黄际英;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 外国语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 一个半世纪以来,美国华裔虽然在很多方面取得了成功,但是美国社会对华裔的偏见依然存在,华裔仍处于社会的边缘地位。多年来美国华裔作家群体致力于宣传中国文化经典,反击美国主流霸权话语中华裔的刻板形象,重建华裔形象。身为华裔美国文学先驱的汤亭亭就是其中的重要代表人物之一。汤亭亭对华人移民在美生活境遇给予同情与关注,创作出多部广为流传的作品。这些作品是对华人后代仍然遭受不平等境遇的揭露,是对主流话语压迫与歧视华人移民罪行的声讨。《孙行者:他的伪书》就是这样一部作品。作品通过对主人公惠特曼?阿新在毕业以后一系列的生活的描写,包括他的性格、理想、结婚、理想的实践和实现等,揭示了美国社会对华裔的态度和华裔在美国社会中的地位。本文对作者汤亭亭颠覆西方霸权话语,重建华裔新形象的反话语写作策略及其在小说中的应用进行分析。论文的框架有五部分构成:第一部分简要介绍作者及其小说《孙行者:他的伪书》,并对美国的霸权话语和华裔的刻板形象进行概述;简要介绍反话语写作策略在小说中的应用。第一章阐释了反话语写作策略之跨文化书写策略,以及跨文化书写策略在小说中的应用及其作用;第二章针对主流文化中华裔没有英雄的规约性,探讨了反话语写作策略之英雄叙事策略在小说中的应用。第三章程阐述了作家反话语写作策略之唐人街叙事策略在小说中的应用。论文的最后一部分全面总结反话语写作策略在小说中的应用以及其所达到的反击霸权话语,重书华裔形象的目的。汤婷婷揭示了美国主流社会对华裔的刻板印象,颠覆了主流文化中对华裔不真实、不公正的描写,反击了西方霸权话语,重建了新的华裔形象。

【Abstract】 During the one and a half centuries, Chinese Americans got success in many aspects, but the prejudiced stereotypes also exist in American society and culture and Chinese Americans are still on the borderline of American society. Chinese Americans writers have tried a lot to protect Chinese Americans’images, to counterattack the western hegemonic discourse, to emphasize and to propagate Chinese cultural classics. Maxine Hong Kingston creates great works, which are exposal of the unequal treatment Chinese Americans got and condemnation to the mainstream discourse’s press and discrimination. Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book is such a novel. The author displays Americans’attitude towards Chinese Americans and their social status by the narration of Wittman Ah Sing’s life after graduation and his becoming of the rebel of the mainstream culture as well as his counterattacking of the hegemonic discourse by his play’s rehearsal and show.This thesis makes a research on the stereotyped images of Chinese Americans in mainstream culture and analyzes the author’s application and function of counter-discourse strategy to fight against the hegemonic discourse. The thesis consists of five parts: the first one is a brief introduction to Kingston, and Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book; and talks about the hegemonic discourse, the stereotypes of Chinese Americans formed in American mainstream society and brief introduction to the counter-discourse’s application in the thesis; chapter one introduces the intercultural narration as one way of counter-discourse with the examples of the use of famous Chinese literary works and the effects it creates; chapter two focuses on hero narration as another way of counter-discourse, which is used to fight against the hegemonic discourse and its use; chapter three deals with Chinatown narration as the third way of counter-discourse, which subverts the untrue description of Chinatown in mainstream culture; the conclusion part gives a summary of the strategy Kingston applied as a weapon to fighting against hegemonic discourse and rebuilding Chinese images.Kingston exposes the stereotypes of Chinese Americans in American mainstream culture, subverts the untrue and unfair narration of Chinese Americans, counterattacks hegemonic discourse and rebuilds new Chinese American images.

  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】232

