

The Study on Hanization of Mongolian Folk Songs in Zhelimumeng of Inner Mongolia

【作者】 石丽丹

【导师】 施咏;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是以内蒙古哲里木盟地区蒙族民歌为研究对象,主要分析了本地区蒙族民歌汉化的原因。草原民歌独特而鲜明的特点,有着高度完整的艺术性,这些特点在哲里木盟民歌中都有所体现。哲里木盟是内蒙古蒙族人口数量最多的地区,也是与汉族人融合最为密切的地区,其哲蒙的民歌也有着不同其他盟的特点和蒙汉融合特征。笔者运用田野调查法、访谈法、文献研究法等研究方法,对本地区的蒙族民歌汉化进行了详细研究,具体归纳了以下几个方面:一、不同民族、国家和地区的音乐文化,通过相互接触和交流等途径,产生碰撞、冲突乃至相对抗,打破原有体系的相对平衡状态形成新的音乐形式。在这样的融合过程中,既有交流,又有扬弃、重组,从而“融合”出一个全新的音乐文化体系。从我国草原音乐文化发展看,哲里木盟蒙族民歌的汉化就是很明显的音乐文化交融的结果。二、从科尔沁草原文化在辽、金、蒙古帝国、元及明清时期的史料及乐志的分析中,找出哲里木盟地区汉文化对蒙族民歌影响的历史因素;通过对题材、体裁及歌词等方面的分析,论述本地区蒙族民歌汉化音乐特征。三、哲里木盟蒙族民歌经过长期的汉化过程,在音乐性格、音阶、调式、节奏、曲式结构及伴奏上都有所变化,本论文深入剖析其汉化原因所在,借此用以填补对哲蒙民歌的现状研究。四、通过对哲里木盟地区的田野调查,倡导人们对传统音乐衍变的正确认识和保护,使其能够在社会音乐中有着良性循环,倡导人们更为关注哲盟地区民歌的传承和保护。

【Abstract】 In this paper, I focus on the Mongolian folk songs in Zhelimumeng of Inner Mongolia and analyze the reasons for the Hanization of Mongolian folk songs. Prairie folk songs have unique and distinctive features and a high level of artistic integrity which could be felt from those folk songs in Zhelimumeng. Zhelimumeng has the biggest population of Mongolian among the whole country and Mongolian communicate with the Han people of the region closely so that the folk songs in Zhelimumeng also have different characteristics to Mongolian songs and some features of folks of Han people. With the methods of field study, interviews, literature study, I investigate the Hanization of Mongolian folk songs and summarize the features in the following specific areas:Among the music cultures in different ethnics, nations and regions, the new music forms by breaking the relative balance of the original musical attributes during a long process of mutual contacts, exchanges, even collision and confrontation. In this process of integration, old cultures of music are "integrated" into a new musical culture system by exchanges and reorganization. From the perspective of the cultural development of China, the Hanization of Zhelimu Ming’s Mongolian folk songs is the obviously result of the exchange between the music cultures.From the analysis on the historical literature and music history of the Keerqin grassland culture during the empire period of Liao, Jin, Mongol, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, I identify the features which shows that Han culture affected Mongolian folk songs. In the aspects of theme, genre, lyrics, I discuss the characteristics of the Hanization of Mongolian folk songs.After a long-term of Hanization, the Mongolian folk songs of Zhelimumeng evolves in the aspects of music character, scale, mood, rhythm, structure and accompaniment. I focus on the reasons why the Hanization happened and present the status of folk songs study.By field study in Zhelimumeng, I also wish that the traditional music will be protected well and become more prosperous in a culturally diverse society.

【关键词】 哲里木盟蒙族民歌汉化融合
【Key words】 ZhelimumengMongolian folk songsHanizationfusion
  • 【分类号】J607
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】326

