

A Study on LuYao’s Novels and Psychology of Creation from the View of the Regional Culture

【作者】 侯慧中

【导师】 逄增玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从地域文化的视点切入,以路遥最优秀的作品——《人生》和《平凡的世界》为中心,分析路遥的创作心理。论文分为三个部分,第一部分探讨路遥小说对陕北地域特色的叙事,这部分主要从环境特征、风俗特点这两方面来着手分析。在环境特征方面,主要论述空间的辽阔和四季的循环特点,发现了路遥小说中独特的空间意象和话语场——窑洞。风俗特点这一部分主要是分析路遥小说中独具特色的婚丧嫁娶、节日风俗和分娩治病的书写。论文第二部分主要探讨路遥小说在陕北地域叙事中蕴含的对陕北民性特征的思索。在路遥小说中,我们时常看到关于陕北民性特征的描述。宽厚、善良的人性,自强、坚忍的奋斗精神以及陕北人天生的出走意识交织在叙述当中。论文第三部分通过路遥小说中的这种对黄土地的地域风俗和民性特征的书写,分析路遥爱恨交织的故土情结以及这种情结的产生原因。分为爱恨交织的复杂情绪和身份、立场的复杂性两部分。

【Abstract】 The thesis will start out from the visual angle of regional culture, and take LuYao’s most excellent works. The Life, The Ordinary World as core to analyze LuYao’s psychology of creation. The papers can be divided into three parts. In the first part, the author discusses the narration of the ShanBei region in LuYao’s novels, mainly from the two perspectives of environmental characteristics and custom features. As to environmental characteristics, the author discovers Cave-a special space image and discourse field in LuYao’s novels from discussing the characters of vast space and cycling season. As to the custom features, this part mainly analyzes the particular descriptions about weddings and funerals, festivals and customs, childbirth and illness in LuYao’s novels.The second part goes on to discuss LuYao’s thought and reflections on the nature of ShanBei people which is shown in the narration of ShanBei region in LuYao’s novels. We can often find the descriptions about the features of the human nature of ShanBei in his novels, which are lenience and kindness, long-suffering and self-reliance and the awareness of running away from his homeland in the narration.The third part analyzes LuYao’s complicated feeling of love and hate to his homeland and the reasons for such feeling through the descriptions about the nature of the folks and the regional customs of the homeland in LuYao’s novels. The part is composed of two sections: the complicated feeling of love and hate, and the complexity of identification and stand point.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1072

