

On Koushi Image by Inoue Yasushi

【作者】 李桂玲

【导师】 尚侠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 日语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 井上靖是日本当代著名作家,20世纪60年代初他的作品开始在我国翻译出版,80年代形成译介井上文学的高潮。我国学者对井上靖文学进行了多方面的探索与研究,取得了丰硕成果,评论文章等不断出现。在我国的井上靖文学研究中既有对作者生平创作的系统介绍,也有对作者思想倾向的评价,以及其创作艺术的探索。本文在国内井上靖文学已有研究成果的基础上,从井上靖的中国题材历史小说创作实践出发,就目前未曾系统阐述的一个问题——井上靖笔下的孔子形象作一番适当的梳理与探讨。对于更系统地了解把握孔子形象及其艺术特点,以及中日文化的交流、传播轨迹,乃至未来走势,或不无补益。本文主要从三个方面展开研究。首先,分析井上靖历史题材小说的创作与孔子人物形象出现之间的联系,《孔子》是他的最后一部长篇历史小说,在其作品中占有非常重要的地位。其次,把其与中国古典文献中有关孔子的描写以及日本文学史上其他描写孔子的作品进行比较,从孔子的人物形象和孔子思想两个方面来探讨孔子形象的艺术特点。《孔子》是以一个虚构的弟子蔫姜讲述自己所见所闻的方式来展开故事的。通过设置蔫姜这一人物,虚构了诸多细节,并借蔫姜之口对孔子进行了种种议论与评价。这些话语充分流露和表达出井上靖对孔子的认识和赞赏。同《论语》对比来看,井上靖是以尊重史实的态度、根据自己的审美理想和审美感情来塑造孔子的。即使是按照史实的记载描写,井上靖也是从众多史实中主要抽取表现人物性格的内容,塑造出一个有血有肉的真实的孔子。井上靖创作孔子这一人物形象取决于他对《论语》的感知、对民族文化的传承、他的艺术想象以及作家自身对孔子故乡的亲身体验。第二节主要把“天命”、“仁”和“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜”等《论语》中的语句与井上的解释进行比照,通过研究分析,凸显井上描写的孔子形象。再次,具体论述了井上靖成功塑造孔子形象的来由。孔子作为具有世界影响的伟大思想家、教育家及中国封建社会“至圣先师”,历代记其嘉言懿行、述其体态相貌的作品可谓多不胜举。作为一个外国人,井上靖何以能成功塑造中国历史人物孔子这一形象,主要得益于其在青少年时期便受到中国古典文化的熏陶,对中国与中国历史文化抱有浓厚的兴趣,这成了其《孔子》创作的根源。

【Abstract】 Inoue Yasushi is is a famous writer of contemporary Japan, In the early 1960s, Chinese scholars had started to translate Inoue Yasushi’s literary works; in the middle 1980s, the translation and research of his works achieved its peak. Chinese scholars have researched Inoue Yasushi and his works on various aspects,has achieved fruitful results, commentary, and so continue to emerge.In the research of Inoue ’s literature in our country,there are some disputes about the introduction of his life and works, the review of his thought’s tendency, the study of his composing art. This article is trying to analyze his novels of Chinese historical biographical literature as a start,based on the domestic Iue’s literature has been on the basis of research results, Inoue Yasushi from Chinese subjects of Historical Novels practice, the current system has not been an issue on Koushi Image described by Inoue Yasushi for a proper and carding Discussion. For more systematic understanding of the arts and grasp the characteristics of the image of Koushi, and the Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges, transmission path, and future trendsor not without replenishing.This article from the three aspects of the study. First, the analysis of historical novels Inoue Yasushi Creation and the Koushi Image in the link between. " Koushi " is his last one lengthy historical novels, in his work occupies a very important position. Secondly, with its classical Chinese literature in the description of Koushi and the history of Japanese literature about other works of Koushi comparison, the figures from Koushi image of Koushi thought and to explore two aspects of Koushi image of the art features. " Koushi " is a fictional disciple Nian Jiang saw on their way to start the story. By setting the figure Nian Jiang, a number of fictitious details, and through the mouth of the Nian Jiang, Koushi had various discussions and evaluation. These words reveal the full expression and to the on Koushi Inoue awareness and appreciation. And "The Analects of Confucius" contrast, Inoue Jing is the attitude of respect for historical facts, according to its own aesthetic ideal and aesthetic feelings to the shape of Koushi. Even in accordance with historical facts about the records, Inoue Yasushi is also from the numerous facts in the performance of the main characters from the content and shape of a real flesh and blood of Koushi. Koushi creation of this figure depends on his image of "The Analects of Koushi " the perception of the national cultural heritage, his artistic imagination and the writer’s hometown of Koushi on their own experience. Section II of the main "heaven" and "benevolence" and "Shizherusi Cardiff,’ll days and nights" and " The Analects of Koushi " and the phrase mutatis mutandis to the interpretation of Inoue, through research and analysis, highlights Inoue about the image of Koushi.Thirdly, specifically address the Origin of Inoue Yasushi successful shaping Koushi Image. Koushi is as the impact of the world’s great thinkers, educators and Chinese feudal society, "the Holy first division," Jiayanyixing its history in mind, in their body appearance of numerous works is given. As a foreigner, Inoue Yasushi why China can successfully shape Koushi Image historical figures, mainly thanks to its young people in period will be the influence of classical Chinese culture, China and the Chinese history and culture take a keen interest in that. Its the source of inspiration of Koushi " creativity.

  • 【分类号】I313.074
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】615

