

An Analysis on Japanese Textbook of Elementary Social Studies and It’s Enlightment to Chinese Teaching Material Design of 《Ethics and Society》

【作者】 陈晔

【导师】 吕立杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国新一轮的课程改革中,开发符合《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》精神和各学科课程标准要求的教学资源,特别是编制好各学科的教科书,是新课程改革的一个重要方面。此次课程改革中,课程编制专家把小学阶段的品德与社会课合二为一,随着课程改革的不断深入,“一标多本”的小学品德与社会课教材多样化的趋势日趋明显。如何在设计中体现品德与社会课的性质、理念、设计思路、课程目标,如何选择教学的内容和教学方法,这些都是我们在新课程的推进中所面临的问题。所谓“它山之石,可以攻玉”,本文选取日本东京学籍出版社《新社会》教材与我国中国人民教育出版社《品德与社会》教材、北京师范大学出版社《品德与社会》进行文本分析,主要分析了以《新社会》为代表的日本教材在内容选取、结构框架、呈现方式、编制工艺上的特点,同时也对中国的两个版本教材进行了一般性的分析,通过分析得出了教材编制理念、内容选择、呈现方式等方面的众多启示,期望对我国的品德与社会课教材的设计与编制有所借鉴,在借鉴中结合本国国情,做好本土化处理。本文对现有的研究和论述进行搜集、整理、分析、总结,通过综合分析探索,找出日本在社会课教材上我国可借鉴之处。文章分为五个部分:第一部分为导论,介绍了本文研究的缘起,研究的意义以及研究的对象和方法。第二部分为教材研究的理论框架,探讨了社会科教材的功能和意义,以及具体的教材分析和评价方案。第三部分是日本社会科教材的文本分析和静态分析,为我国可借鉴之处理清思路。第四部分是我国社会课教材的相关介绍,为进行合理科学比较奠定基础,第五部分是通过比较得出分析结论以及日本社会科教材对我国社会课教材的启示,及笔者给出的一些建议。

【Abstract】 To development of the resources with the spirit of "basic education curriculum reform outline (draft)," and the curriculum standards require the teaching in China’s new round of the curriculum reform, particularly in the development of the various branches of good textbooks, which is an important aspect of this reform.Curriculum development specialists to primary stage of the combined moral and social lessons in this reform, Along with the continuous deepening of the curriculum reform, Primary moral and social teaching materials diversification trend has become increasingly evident, How to design of character and the nature of social studies, philosophy, design ideas, curriculum goals, How to choose teaching content and teaching methods, These are the problems we must faced in the promotion of the new coursesAs the proverb says:“By other’s faults, wise men correct their own”. the paper selected《The New Society》teaching material of Tokyo XueJi Press of Japan and《Ethics and Society》materials of Education Publishing House of China, Beijing Normal University Publishing House《Ethics and Society》.Not only analyze on《The New Society》as the representative of Japan in the content of selected materials, structural framework, presentation, on the characteristics of the preparation process, but also on China’s two versions of teaching materials for the general analysis from the concept, content choices, to the preparation of teaching materials in order to gain numerous enlightenment. at the same time, use the reference to direct our ethics and social teaching materials in the design and preparation of reference, in combination with its own national conditions, to deal with localization.In this paper, we had collection, collation, analysis, summary to the existing research and exposition, to find out Japan identified in the community on the merits of teaching materials, The article is divided into five parts: The first part is Introduction the causes of T his paper studies, the significance of the study, The object of study, Research methods. The second part is the theoretical framework of materials research, Discussion of the social studies of the function and meaning of teaching, the third part is text analysis and static analysis of Japan social studies textbooks. The fourth part is the china’s social teaching materials related presentations, which is a reasonable basis for comparison. Part V is by comparison we know Japan teaching social studies teaching materials for China’s social enlightenment, And the author gives some of the recommendations.

  • 【分类号】G623.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】679

