

The Problem and the Countermeasure Research of Interactive Teaching in Middle School English Teaching under the Background of the New Curriculum

【作者】 张帆

【导师】 李泽宇;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在英语教学中,过去传统的教学模式已经不能适应新课程对培养综合性高素质人才的要求,互动式教学实现了以学生为中心的教学理念,对英语教学有着重要的作用。互动式教学的实施方法和策略直接影响着英语教学质量,在互动式教学的过程中存在着许多问题,这些问题越来越受到教师和相关专家的重视。为了更好的实施初中英语互动式教学,广大初中英语教师首先应该改变教学理念,真正做到以学生为中心,从学生自身出发,发展学生的综合素质,只有这样,初中英语互动式教学的实现才有了保障。其次,初中英语教师需要在课前做好充分的准备,并考虑到学生自身的特点和每堂课需要实现的教学目标,这样,互动式教学的实施才能更圆满。在课后,教师应该及时总结课堂互动式教学过程中的优缺点,这样,互动式教学才会在课堂教学中不断得到发展和完善。本文共分为五个部分:第一部分是绪论,主要介绍了本文研究的缘起、研究的意义,以及研究的对象和方法。第二部分对初中英语互动式教学进行了概述,从概念界定、互动式教学的提出和背景以及互动式教学的研究成果三方面进行了概述。第三部分对当前初中英语互动式教学问题及成因进行了分析。第四部分提出了初中英语互动式教学的对策分别从初中英语互动式教学的实施原则、实施方法和实施环节三方面进行了论述。第五部分是结束语。

【Abstract】 In English teaching, the traditional teaching model has been unable to meet the new comprehensive training courses on the requirements of high-quality personnel, interactive teaching has a student-centered teaching philosophy, teaching English plays an important role. Interactive teaching methods and strategies for the implementation of a direct impact on the quality of English teaching in the interactive teaching in the process, there are many problems, these problems more and more teachers and experts’attention. In order to better the implementation of interactive teaching junior high school English, the majority of junior high school English teachers should first change the teaching philosophy and truly student-centered, starting from the students themselves, the development of the overall quality of students, the only way, interactive teaching junior high school English Implementation be guaranteed. Secondly, the need for junior high school English teachers in the classroom before made full preparations, and taking into account the characteristics of their students per class and the need to achieve the goal of teaching, so that the implementation of interactive teaching can be more successful. After the class, teachers should promptly summed up interactive classroom teaching in the process of advantages and disadvantages, so that interactive teaching in the classroom teaching will continue to develop and improve. This paper is divided into five parts:Introduction is the first part mainly on the origin of this paper, the significance of the study, as well as research objects and methods.The second part of the interactive teaching junior high school English were outlined, from the definition, interactive teaching and background to interactive teaching and the results of research on three areas outlined.The third part of the current Junior English interactive teaching problems and their causes were analyzed.The fourth part of the interactive teaching junior high school English responses were from the junior high school English the implementation of interactive teaching principles, methods and the implementation part of the implementation of the three aspects is discussed.The fifth part is the concluding remarks.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1246

