

Research on the English Learning Problems and Countermeasures of Students in Rural Junior Secondary Schools

【作者】 吴迪

【导师】 秦玉友;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 我国是一个农业大国,广大农村地区幅员辽阔、学校星罗棋布。农村初中生约占全国初中生的3/4,农村初中生的英语水平直接关系着全国初中生的英语水平。农村经济水平较差,学校里没有英语学习必备的硬件设施,农村英语教师专业水平不高,家庭和社会缺少英语学习氛围,这些都会导致一定的英语学习问题。本文以学生为出发点,通过实地调研试图全面地揭示出农村初中学生在英语学习过程中所存在的各方面问题,在此基础上深入分析问题成因,并提出对策建议。本文共分四个部分,第一部分是引言,交代了研究背景和研究意义,综述了相关方面的研究成果,对学习和英语学习的概念进行了界定,简要地介绍了研究对象和研究过程。第二部分是农村初中学生英语学习问题,这部分主要是根据实地调研得出的数据来完成的,也是本论文的核心部分,这部分把农村初中学生的英语学习问题归纳为五大方面:一是情感态度方面,主要指缺乏英语学习兴趣、应试动机、自信心不足这三个问题;二是语言技能方面,包括听力水平较低、口语重视不够、课外阅读量较少和写英语作文时词不达意,语法错误较多;三是语言知识方面,在词汇和语法方面比较重视,语音知识却很欠缺;四是文化意识方面,主要指农村初中生对说英语国家的文化背景知识了解甚少;五是学习缺少计划性,在记忆单词时以死记硬背为主。第三部分是农村初中学生英语学习问题的成因分析。归纳了五个主要原因:即缺少英语学习的物质支持、校内外缺少英语学习氛围、英语教师专业素质不高、家长的文化素质普遍偏低和学生小学阶段没打好基础五个方面。第四部分是对策建议,根据实地调研、文献整理和理论研究提出了七条建议,具体包括:(一)加大投入,提供必要的物质支持;(二)用英语布置校园文化,开展各种形式的英语活动;(三)充分利用各种传媒,拓宽学生学习英语的渠道;(四)对农村英语教师进行职前培训和在职培训;(五)分层教学,使基础参差不齐的学生产生学习兴趣;(六)及时纠正不良的英语学习习惯;(七)对学生的英语学习方法进行详细具体的指导。

【Abstract】 China is a country with a large agricultural population, the vast rural areas have a great number of schools which are scattered from the perspective of geographical distribution.The number of the students in rural junior high schools is about three-quarters of that of the junior high school students all over the country.The English level of junior high school students in rural areas directly affects that of the whole nation.The economic level in the countryside is low, schools have no necessary hardware facilities, the professional level of rural English teachers is not high, the family and the society are short of English study atmosphere ,in addition, students themselves in the countryside have a lot of bad study habits ,all of these factors mentioned above may cause the English learning problems of students in rural junior high schools. This article takes the student as a starting point, attempting to reveal various aspects of problems which exist in English learning process of rural junior high school students through investigation and study on the spot. Also, it thoroughly analyzes the reasons for these problems and gives some solutions. This essay can be divided into four parts.The first part is an introduction,which introduces the background and significance of the research and defines the study and the English study. The part also introduces the research methods and the research process.The second part is the English learning problems of students in rural junior high schools. It is the core of the thesis ,which is completed according to these data of the research .In this part, there are five aspects which summarize the English learning problems. Firstly ,students have a certain lack of enthusiasm and self-confidence for the English learning as far as emotion and attitude are concerned.Their motives are test-oriented. Secondly, there are many problems of language skills, such as the lower listening level, ignoring the oral English, the fewer number of extracurricular reading and the poor writings which have lots of grammatical mistakes. Thirdly, students pay more attention on the vocabulary and grammar than on pronunciation.Fourthly,students in rural schools have less cultural background knowledge of the English-speaking countries.Fifthly, they usually have no plans of learning English and memorize words by means of rote.In the third part ,the essay gives five reasons for these problems mentioned in the second part. That is, students in primary schools did not develop good study habits, the professional level of English teachers is not high, the cultural qualities of parents are generally lower , there is the lack of English atmosphere whatever it is in school or society and the material support is not enough.In the fourth part ,the essay proposes seven solutions according to the investigation, literature and theoretical research. Specifically, first, the government should offer the necessary material support. Second, arrange school culture in English and hold all kinds of English activities. Third, make full use of various media and widen channels for students to learn English. Fourth, carry out the pre-service training and in-service training of English teachers. Fifth, teachers should put layered teaching into practice so that students which have uneven basis are all interested in learning. Sixth, correct bad habits of English learning. Seventh, teachers should give students specific guidance about their study methods.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2223

