The Analysis of Spiritual Dialogue Mode of Moral Instruction in Primary School
【作者】 王亚明;
【导师】 熊梅;
【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士
【摘要】 我国小学传统道德教学模式多采用说教式,禁锢了学生思想,而新课改后的小学道德教学虽然加强了与生活的联系,但是却在实践中出现了边缘化的倾向。因此,本文利用XX小学道德校本课程开发的有利时机,并结合大量的文献研究,提升构建出了一套新型小学道德教学模式,它不仅丰富了我国小学道德教学理论,而且也给小学道德教学实践提供了指导。该教学模式吸收了目前新课程改革所倡导的“心灵对话”理念,并将建构主义理论、主体间性理论以及心灵哲学理论运用到了其中,构建了该教学模式的内涵、功能、操作程序、实施条件,同时提出了实施的原则和策略等。该教学模式关注到了学生的内心世界,解放了教师的旧有教学观念,力求使师生在完全没有内在与外在压力和制约下彼此敞开心扉,进行平等的内心交流,从而达到伦理上的视界融合,使得双方德性共同成长与提高,并使之内化为心灵的一部分。本研究的研究方法具体包括:文献研究、课堂观察和个案分析。其中,文献研究和课堂观察分别从理论和实施两方面对“心灵对话”道德教学模式进行研究。最后,用个案分析的方法进一步验证了该教学模式。本研究的结果表明:该教学模式区别于以往的道德教学模式,它能充分挖掘学生心灵深处的道德情感,并以心灵对话为核心,给予了学生自由发言的机会,而且解决了课堂教学时间有限的难题。但是,“心灵对话”道德教学模式也同样存在着不足之处,此外对其评价机制和评价标准还有待进一步的研究。
【Abstract】 Moral education in primary school in our country at present still has always been the weak areas of ethics research. traditional moral instruction mode limits the thoughts of the students. The new curriculum reform makes the primary moral teaching strengthen the relationship with the real life, but actually the moral teaching in reality has been marginalization tendency, and an increasing number of activities have also caused moral teaching to the activities of the other extreme. Therefore, the purpose of this study is based on the current primary moral teaching and brings up a set of effective primary moral teaching mode. The mode absorbs the concept of spiritual dialogue of the current curriculum reform and the theory of Constructivism, inter-subjectivity, philosophy of mind. Therefore, it construct the goal of mode, the sequence of the operation, and the implementation of conditions and so on. Simultaneously it proposes the strategy and practice of the principle. This mode pays more attention to the souls of the students, and also liberates the old teaching concepts of the teachers. What is more, the teachers and students can open their hearts to each other completely and carry on the equal the innermost feelings conversation in the absence of internal and external pressures and constraints, achieved the visibility fusion in ethics. At last the spiritual dialogue mode makes the bilateral morality character grow together and enhance, internalized as a part in a mind.The study includes the following research methods: literature research, classroom observation and case analysis. The literature research which is based on theory and classroom observation which is based on practice study the spiritual dialogue model. Finally, the author testifies this mode using the cases analysis.The results of this study show that the teaching model which is different from the past mode of instruction, tap the bottom moral emotion of students’heart. The core of this mode is the dialogue between the hearts and it gives the students a good opportunity to speak freely. At the same time, it solves the deficiencies of the limited time in classroom teaching. However, the "spiritual dialogue" moral teaching mode has the deficiency. In addition, its evaluation mechanism and evaluation criteria will research in the next step.
【Key words】 Spiritual Dialogue; Moral Teaching; Teaching Mode; Primary School;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 东北师范大学 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
- 【分类号】G621
- 【下载频次】152