

Research on the University Teachers’ Professional Development in the Perspective of the Scholarship of Teaching

【作者】 王丹凤

【导师】 张贵新;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 上个世纪八十年代以来,由科技迅猛发展和国际竞争日益激烈带来的人才竞争趋势越来越明显。大学作为人才培养的最高机构,其人才培养质量备受社会各界的关注。随着近几年高等教育大众化的推进和高等教育规模的扩大,在高校人才培养数量不断增长的同时,人才培养的质量逐渐成为社会和家长关注的热点。教学作为影响人才培养质量的关键因素之一,如何提高大学教师的教学水平成为值得我们深入思考的问题,而教学学术的提出,为促进大学教师专业发展提供了一个全新的视角和途径。本文主要基于文献研究,以教学学术对学术的重构和回归为着眼点,立足于大学教师的专业发展,探讨教学学术视角下大学教师专业发展的影响因素,尤其是教师发展的政策和制度性因素,并尝试提出改革和发展的思路和保障。本文主要由这样几部分构成:首先,阐释教学学术和大学教师专业发展的内涵;对教学学术视角下大学教师专业发展的涵义展开了新的思考;简要介绍了国内外关于教学学术与大学教师专业发展研究的现状。其次,论证了教学学术促进大学教师专业发展的必要性、可行性及作用。再次,按照内在于教师的主体因素和外在于教师的环境等条件因素,着重分析了影响大学教师教学学术发展的因素。最后,在上述研究基础上,探讨了教学学术视角下大学教师专业发展的思路和制度保障。总体看来,对大学教师专业发展的研究,已成为近年来教师教育研究的重要内容之一,尤其是以教学学术发展为关键的教师专业发展研究,将对提高教育质量、改革现有教师管理制度和学术评价制度,促进教师的发展有着重要的理论和实践价值。

【Abstract】 With the quick development of science and technology and the keen international competition, the competition among the talent has become more and more obvious, since 1980s. The universities are the focus of the society, which are regarded as the most high-level department that turn out the talent. With the development of the universal high education and the expanding scale of universities, the number of the talent who are turned out in the universities becomes larger. The society and the parents pay their attention to the quality of the talent. Teaching as one of the key factors which impact on the quality of the talent. How to improve the standard of teaching becomes an issue we should think deeply. The appearance of the scholarship of teaching becomes the new angle of view and new way, which greatly promotes the teachers’ professional development.The paper mainly bases on large documents and materials, this paper is on the basis of the scholarship of teaching on the scholarship reconstruction and regress, as well as university teachers’ professional development, mainly discusses the influenced factors on the development of university teachers’ professional development in the scholarship of teaching perspective, especially policies and institutions for teachers’ professional development, and tries to put forward the way of thinking and guarantee for reform and development.The paper is divided into three parts: In the first part: the paper illuminates the definition of the scholarship of teaching and teachers’ professional development; rethinks the definition of professional development on the angle of views of the scholarship of teaching; briefly introduces the present status of the scholarship of teaching and teachers’ professional development in and abroad. In the second part: it argues the value of university teachers’ professional development, which is the necessity and feasibility of the scholarship of teaching’s promotion of university teachers’ professional development. In the third part: according to the internal main factors of teachers and the external environmental factors, it mainly analyses the factors influencing university teachers’ the scholarship of teaching development. In the fourth part: on the basis of the above-mentioned research, it discusses, in the scholarship of teaching perspective, the way of thinking and the institutional guarantee of university teachers’ professional development.As a whole, the study on the university teachers’ professional development has become one important aspects of teachers’ education, which attracts the society’s attention, especially the teacher’s development study on the basis of the scholarship of teaching, which will improve the quality of teaching, reform the present managerial system and promote the all-round teachers’ development.

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1534

