

Deng Xiaoping Sports Thoughts and Contemporary China Athletics Sports

【作者】 秦颖

【导师】 胡赤军;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国竞技体育已经变成一种极具魅力的社会活动形式,成为展示国家经济、科技、文化发展水平的重要窗口,并在很大程度上反映出中华民族的身体素质和自强不息的精神面貌。邓小平同志是我国改革开放的总设计师,是中国社会主义特色理论的倡导者,他对体育事业十分关心,曾经对体育工作做了重要指示,形成了一套体育思想,他的体育思想给中国竞技体育带来了翻天覆地的变化。本文就是基于这种理解,在合理借鉴相关理论、参阅相关研究成果的基础上,结合自己的经验,从邓小平体育思想的形成入手,总结归纳邓小平的体育思想为中国特色的体育思想、普及与提高的辩证体育思想、“从娃娃抓起”的人才培养体育思想、“打出风格、打出水平、提高竞技水平、为国争光”体育道德思想等几个方面,分别叙述其内容和影响。特别是在“一国两制”思想启发下出现的“奥运模式”,对我国竞技体育给予了极大的活力和生机,“奥运模式”为国家体育走向世界提供了机遇和舞台,使曾经远离世界的中国竞技体育再次走出国门,在各个方面得以全面发展。本文把邓小平体育思想、中国竞技体育的制度改革、奥运模式和竞技体育全面发展作为共同探讨的主题,希望能够对当前竞技体育的发展有一点启示作用。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening up, the Chinese athletics sports has become a very popular form of social activities, a display of the important window in national economic, technological and cultural development, and have reflected the Chinese nation’s physical quality and the spirit of self-improvement to a large extent. Comrade Deng Xiaoping is the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up, and also the initiator of China’s socialist characteristics. He is very concerned about sports, has given the important instructions, and formed his sports thinking which has brought earth-shaking changes.Based on this understanding, at a reasonable draw on the theory, reference of the related research results and on the basis of the experience, the author, from the formation of Deng Xiaoping’s thinking of starting with sports, has summarized Deng Xiaoping’s thinking of the physical education with Chinese characteristics, the dialectical thinking of sports of enhancement and popularity, "thinking of sports personnel training ", "making style, making level, increasing the level of competition, winning glory for the country,"---moral thinking and several other areas, and has described its content and impact. In particular, the "Olympic Model" under the inspiration of "one country, two systems" has given the vigor and the vitality to China’s athletics sports and has provided the opportunity. It has caused the Chinese athletics sports, once to be far away from the world, to step onto this big stage once more and enabled them the all-round development in each aspect. In this article the author has treated the subjects about Deng Xiaoping’s sports thinking; the system reform of athletics sports, the Olympic Model and the all-round development of athletics sports and hoped it can have an enlightenment function to the current development of athletics sports.

【关键词】 邓小平体育思想竞技体育
【Key words】 Deng XiaopingSports ThoughtsAthletics Sports
  • 【分类号】A849.16;G812.0
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】362

