

Studies in the Problem of Liszt-3 Concert Etudes Ⅱ

【作者】 李响

【导师】 陈国红;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 李斯特作为著名的匈牙利作曲家、指挥家、钢琴家,是浪漫主义时期最杰出的代表人物之一,是19世纪中叶最勇于创新的人。他无论在演奏风格和音响方面都是一位重要的革新家,他在演奏实践中不断的探索与创新,形成独具一格的、富于鲜明特性的、热情奔放的、诗意与辉煌兼有的浪漫主义的演奏风格。他努力创造更具戏剧性色彩变化的音乐空间和具有饱满的管弦乐队的音响效果。李斯特作为现代钢琴技术的开创者之一,为钢琴独奏掀开了崭新的一页。李斯特全部钢琴作品中,高难度的练习曲以技巧艰深、形象鲜明而著称,本文以李斯特的音乐会练习曲《轻盈》为研究对象,结合李斯特当时生活的历史背景,在魏玛时期平静的生活状态下创作了《轻盈》,它是李斯特最精美的音乐会练习曲之一,全曲带有幻想的色彩,充分展示钢琴高音区明亮透明的音响,右手连续的半音阶似微风中上下漂浮的飘带,又仿佛是自由随意的即兴演奏;同时结合李斯特创作风格、以及创作该曲的背景、对这首乐曲进行分析,在他律论的忠实拥护者李斯特的美学思想指导下,以标题性原则,综合艺术创作原则为标准创作了《轻盈》。本文从以上几点入手来研究《音乐会练习曲—轻盈》,以期对它有一个全面透彻的理解,帮助我们更好的来诠释这首作品。

【Abstract】 Liszt as the famous composer, conductor, pianist in Hungarian,is the one of the most creative person in the mid-19th century. Both in his playing style and audio aspects are an important innovation home, he performed in the practice of constant exploration and innovation, a unique form which is filled with distinctive characteristics, passionate, poetic and brilliance of both the Romantic style of performance.His efforts is to create a more dramatic change in the color space and music with full orchestra sound. Liszt Piano Technology as a modern one of the pioneers for piano solo opened a brand new one.Liszt piano works in all, a very difficult Etudes skills difficult, known for distinctive image, the paper to Liszt’s Concert Etudes–II as the research object, Liszt monocytogenes, was living with the historical background of the Weimar period quiet life under the state created a "lightweight", it is the most beautiful concert Liszt Etudes one song with the whole fantasy color, and display the piano Treble District bright transparent sound, the right hand for the chromatic like in the breeze floating Piano from top to bottom, like a free impromptu concert at the same time with Liszt monocytogenes, creative style, as well as creative background of the song, this song analysis, in his Law of Liszt monocytogenes, a loyal supporter of the aesthetic thinking, and the title principles, the principles of integrated art creative standards "lightweight."From the above points such as hand to study the "Concert Etudes– II," so as to thoroughly it is a comprehensive understanding to help us better interpretation of this work first.

  • 【分类号】J624.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】438

