

The Theory and Practice Study of Tourism Destination Image and Brand on Nation Culture

【作者】 刘杨

【导师】 韩宾娜;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文主要探讨了旅游地形象及品牌的相关问题,着重研究了旅游地民族文化形象及品牌的构建。文章可以从横向和纵向两个方向进行分析。从横向上看,本文涉及了理论研究和实践探索两个方面。从纵向上看,本文分为三个部分进行探讨——问题研究现状、民族旅游地形象及品牌的理论探索、民族旅游地形象及品牌理论在通辽市的应用。在此,仅将纵向部分作为文章的内容介绍。一、研究现状。分为国外各个时期研究成果及简评与国内研究成果在内容体系上的分支及综述。二、民族旅游地形象及品牌的理论探索。阐述了民族旅游地形象及品牌的相关概念、形成过程及要素等,分析了旅游形象“遮蔽”效应理论对民族旅游地形象与品牌构建的影响以及构建的一般程式。三、民族旅游地形象及品牌理论在通辽市的应用。说明了通辽市建立民族文化旅游形象与品牌的必要性,并依据以下程序对构建民族文化旅游形象及品牌进行了探索——通辽市民族特色旅游资源现状及SWOT分析、旅游形象定位、民族文化旅游形象及品牌设计、旅游形象及品牌的传播与维护。在结论中,本文对民族地区构建旅游形象及品牌提出了两个较主要的观点:要以对民族性以及民族文化的挖掘为重点;要将旅游地作为民族文化旅游形象及品牌构建的主导因素。

【Abstract】 The main problem is about the Tourism Destination Image and Brand, especially how to found the Tourism Destination Image and Brand on Nation Culture.We can learn it in two aspects——theory and practice. The practice is relate to three parts——the achievement of the studing、the theory study on Nation Culture Tourism Destination Image and Brand、the theory of area’s tourism image and brand in Tongliao.It is as bellow.1. The achievement of the study.It’s about the overseas scholars’achievement on every period and the Chinese scholars’achievements.2. The theory study on Tourism Destination Image and Brand.This part is mainly about the concepts, the form and so an. It is also analyse the influence on tourism image’s shade and the mode of nation area’s tourism image and brand’s foundation.3. The theory of nation area’s tourism image and brand in Tongliao. It’s emphasize the necessity for the foundation which tourism image and brand on nation culture is founded in Tongliao. This part also shows the steps of how to found it——analyse Tongliao’s resource on tourism、confirm the image、design the nation culture tourism image and brand、spread and manage it.The conclusion is mainly about two viewpoints. One of them is that we should pay attention to the nation’s characteristic and its’culture. Another is that emphasize the import action of the destination on nation culture tourism image and brand’s foundation.

  • 【分类号】F592.7;G127
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】733

