

The Study of the Evaluation Question of Students’ History Performance under the New Curriculum

【作者】 张微

【导师】 周巩固;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 历史课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学业评价对课程的实施起着重要的导向和监控作用,评价的目的功能、评价的目标体系和评价的方式方法等各方面都直接影响着课程培养目标的实现。传统的高中学生评价体系存在着诸如评价主体单一、尺度缺乏弹性、手段不够丰富等很多问题,学生评价的功能没有得到充分的发挥,影响了高中课程目标的实现。新一轮课程改革提出了新的评价理念,要求评价要以人为本,学生评价的根本目的在于促进学生的发展。本论文研究的主要目的是想通过对评价改革背景、评价改革实施现状及对策的研究,探索出一套适应新时代、新课程的新的评价体系,这是一项艰难而又非常重要的工作。本文研究的主要内容包括:(1)高中新课程倡导的新的学生学业评价体系提出的缘起。传统高中学生评价体系的弊端在一定程度上阻碍了学生的全面发展,是评价改革的主要原因;多元智能理论的发展为我国课程改革提供了理论依据,是新的学生评价体系建立的理论基础;(2)新的高中历史学科学生评价体系的理论构想。确立了学生综合素质评价、学生学业水平考试与高考相结合的综合性的学生评价模式,为新的评价体系的确立提供了一个平台,逐步尝试把这种评价模式所蕴含的价值和理念融入高中历史教学实践当中必将对我国历史教育产生重大影响。(3)文章的最后从实践出发,分析了在现实条件下影响评价改革实践的相关因素并提出了相应的解决对策,为现实问题的解决提供了一种思路。

【Abstract】 The evaluation of school performance plays an important part in guiding and supervising the implementation of the courses. The purpose function, the target system and the methods of the evaluation immediately determine whether the goal of the course can be achieved. The traditional evaluation system of the history course has many disadvantages, such as lack of flexibility, simplistic subject and insufficient methods. The function of the student evaluation isn’t brought into full play, which influences the realization of the objectives of the courses of senior high school. New course reform puts forward the new evaluation principle, requesting the evaluation should be human oriented and the fundamental purpose of the evaluation is to promote the development of the students. The main purpose of this study is to develop a new evaluation system that is suitable for the new times and new course, basing on the study of the background and current implements of the evaluation reform, which is hard but very important work.The main contents of this study include the following: 1. The origin of putting forward the new evaluation system of the student’s school performance initiated by the new history course. The main reason for reforming the evaluation is that the disadvantages of the traditional one hinder the development of the students to some extent; the development of Poly-intelligence Theory provides theoretical basis for the course reform in our country. 2. The concept of new evaluation system of the students in the history course of high school establishes the mode of comprehensive evaluation including the integrated quality evaluation of the students and college entrance examination, and it also provides the basis for the establishment of a new evaluation system. Trying to integrate the value and concepts of this evaluation mode into the practice of teaching history in high school will have great influence on history education in China. 3.The end of this paper analyzes the related factors that influence the practice of evaluation reform in the reality and proposes some corresponding countermeasures to solve the practical problems.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】385

