

Research on Teacher Power in Basic Education

【作者】 李倩

【导师】 于伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是教育变革的世纪,而在这场广泛的教育变革中首先作出关键性变革的无疑是广大一线教师。无论从学理层面,还是实践工作的角度,教师权力问题越来越显现出其重要性。自上世纪70年代以来,国内外已经有不少这方面的研究,但总体来看,存在着研究视野的偏失、方法的单一和目的片面性等不足。有鉴于此,本论文首先从教师权力的基本理论问题入手,通过对权力与权利、权威等相关概念辨析,以及对教师权力特性、表现形式等范畴的探讨,旨在为剖析教师权力状况中的问题奠定基础。在理论分析的基础上,论文从历史透视的视角考察了现当代教师权力的实际状况。接下来,论文进一步剖析教师权力存在的问题,其中将突出展现教师权力“匮乏”与“权力滥用”的双重困境。而导致这种困境的原因至少包括三个方面,即文化传统与新的改革理念的隐性冲突,现实利益对教育之魂的侵蚀,尚未健全的配套保障措施造成教师应为与难为的对峙等。最后,从实践策略与出路的角度,本文探讨了教育变革时代教师权力的合法性空间,包括重新塑造教师权威,为教师增权赋能等举措,在此基础上,论文还对未来教师专业性权力状况进行了预期和展望。这些无疑都将有助于现实中教师权力状况的改善,从而提升教师的专业化水平。

【Abstract】 Educational reform has been the major theme in the 21st century, while during the course numerous teachers as practitioners are the first to be changed. It turns to be more and more important for the research on teacher power both theoretically and practically. Since 1970s many researches on this field has been done over the world, but totally there still exist some problems, such as the partial angle in the research, the single method and the superficial goals.In view of the above-mentioned facts, this thesis firstly analyses the concept of power, as well as the concept of right and authority which has the close meaning. It also analyses the characters and forms of expression on teacher power, with an aim to lay the foundation for further analysis on problems in teacher power. On the basis of above theoretical clarification, the thesis investigates the real conditions of teacher power in modern times and in the present age from the angle of historical perspective.In the next part the thesis further analyses the legitimate crisis on teacher power, especially the double dilemma which in one hand teachers confront the lack of professional power, and in another hand they abuse power. The reason for such condition lies in at least three aspects, which include the hidden conflict between cultural traditions and new reform concepts, the erosion of the soul of education by actual benefit, and teachers’embarrassment caused by the education system that is not yet perfect.In the last part, the thesis probes into the legitimate limit of teacher power in educational reform era, which includes the reconstruction of teacher authority, the empowerment on teacher, and so on. On the basis of the discussion, the thesis also tries to give some anticipative description on teacher power in the near future. All these steps can undoubtedly improve the condition of teacher power, thereby teachers’professional levels can be enhanced too.

【关键词】 基础教育教师权力教师权利
【Key words】 Basic EducationTeacher powerTeacher rights
  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】500

