

The Research on Student Evaluation in Junior English Teaching

【作者】 苗祥文

【导师】 王景英;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学生评价是中小学教育教学活动的重要组成部分,也是教育管理理论与实践中的焦点问题。学生评价的实施关系到一个学校教育教学质量的提高,关系到学生当前和今后的健康发展。传统的学生评价成为基础教育改革的拦路石,遭到人们的批判。作为曾经在教学一线的初中英语教师来说,本人对传统的学生评价更是深有体会,新时期呼唤新的学生评价。新一轮“课程改革”为我国学生评价指明了方向,课程改革从评价的功能、评价内容、评价方式、评价主体、评价技术方面为英语教学评价提出了建议。英语学科是一门实践性很强的语言类学科,对我国中学生来说,也是既新奇又头疼的学科。在英语教学过程中,学生自我,同学之间合作,教师对学生的及时、公正、激励的评价对提高学生的学习效果起着举足轻重的作用。本文从当前新课程改革的背景出发,分析我国传统学生评价弊端及其原因,借鉴国际上学生评价成熟的范式,解读当前学生评价理论和现实支撑,探讨了现阶段我国初中英语教学中学生评价的实施策略。

【Abstract】 Student evaluation is the important part of the educational and didactical activities in the basal education and is also the focus problem in long-term educational management theories and practice .The application of the student evaluation is in relation to improvement of the quality of education and teaching of a school, and in relation to the current and future students to the healthy and mental development . However ,the traditional student evaluation become the block of fundamental education reform and has been criticized by people. As a Junior English teacher ever in the forefront of teaching ,I have a deep feeling of it. New era calls for a series of new student evaluation systems.A new round course reform carried on in our country leads to a clear direction for student evaluation. From the evaluation function, evaluation, evaluation methods, evaluation of the principal, evaluation techniques it provides recommendations for English teaching. English is a language academic with very strong practice ,which is also novel and difficult to the junior students in our country . In the process of teaching English, it plays a decisive role for the improvement of the students’studying to timely, fairly and incentive evaluate including self-evaluation, cooperation evaluation, teacher -to -student evaluation .This paper, from the current context of the new curriculum reform , analyzes the drawbacks and the reasons of traditional students evaluation; draws on the international successful examples of the students evaluation ; reads the current theoretical and practical support ; discusses the student evaluation of implement method at this stage.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】425

