

Senior High School Politics Instructional Objective Design

【作者】 黄倩茹

【导师】 刘强;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教学目标作为预先确定的、在教学活动中学习者所要达到的、并且是可以操作和测量的预期学习结果,承担着导向、聚合、激励、调控等功能,是教学活动的出发点和归宿,是教师进行教学活动的指南,是学生能力发展的具体指标,也是评价教学效果的主要依据。可见,教学目标始终贯穿于教学的全过程,科学合理地设计教学目标并采取相应的方法策略落实教学目标,能够减少教学的盲目性和随意性,提高教学质量和效果,这也是实施有效教学的重要策略之一。本文以教育教学中有关教学目标的制定和陈述的理论和《普通高中思想政治课程标准(实验)》为指导,对高中思想政治课教学目标的制定进行较为全面的研究。首先,在分析当前高中思想政治课教学目标设计现状的基础上,指出当前高中思想政治课教学目标设计存在的主要问题,即教学目标指向主体错误、目标不全面、水平层次混乱、脱离学生实际、表述不确切等问题。据此提出了高中思想政治课教学目标制定的五个依据和设计的“五个相结合”原则,即依据高中思想政治课程标准和教材、学科性质和特点、学生认知心理和实际水平、社会需要、教学环境;全面性和重点性相结合、系统性和层次性相结合、科学性和适用性相结合、稳定性与动态性相结合、阶段性与发展性相结合;其次,结合本人的教学实践,把这些想法运用其中,从知识、能力、情感态度与价值观三个维度编写出高中思想政治课《经济生活》第一单元第三课第二框教学目标,为教学目标设计提供了案例,并对教学实践效果进行了评价,从而更好地促进学生全面发展,深入推进基础教育课程改革,切实提高思想政治课教学的实效性和时效性。

【Abstract】 The instructional objective which is predefined and learners need to achieve and which can be operated and measured have many functions, such as guide, encouragement, control and evaluation. The instructional objective is the directory with which teachers carry on teaching activities. It is not only the guideline of the development of students’ability but also the important basis to evaluate teaching effects. It is obvious that the instructional objective runs through the process of teaching all the time. So designing instructional objective reasonably can reduce the blindness, improve the teaching quality and effect, which is also one of important strategies to carry on effective teaching.The text researches into establishing the instructional objective about senior high school politics under the guidance of the theory of establishing instructional objective in education and teaching and the curriculum standard of politics in the ordinary senior high school (experimental). First, on the basis of the analysis of the current design of the senior high school politics instructional objective, it points out the key problems of the current instructional objective, such as incomplete aims, breaking away from the students’reality, inaccurate statement and so on. Hereby, the text puts forward“five grounds”and“five principles”. Second ,based on the teaching practice, the instructional objective of Lesson 3,Unit 1 in economical life is designed in the text, and the cases is provided for the design for the instructional objective, and the effect of the teaching practice is evaluated and introspected. In addition, the text points out that politics teachers must know the current status and situation of the politics teaching in order to achieve the instructional objective and that the politics teachers must change educational concepts, improve own diathesis and innovate the teaching pattern. Only in this way can we thoroughly promote the curriculum reform of the basic education.

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】656

