

The Study on the Present Situation and Countermeasure of Implementing Course-selecting System in Ordinary High School of China

【作者】 崔利军

【导师】 孙鹤娟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国传统的教学管理制度束缚了学生的自由、全面发展,埋没了学生的个性发展,限制了创新精神的培养。为了改变应试教育下学生培养的弊端,我国政府出台了许多教育政策、制度支持教育改革,实施新课程,从根本上变革传统的高中教育模式与教育教学管理体制,建立适应市场经济发展需要的新的教学管理制度,即以选课为核心的与学分制相配合的新的高中教学管理制度---选课制,培养全面发展的新世纪人才。新课程改革的实施使我国的教育质量有了较大幅度的提高,学校教师的教学方法和手段以及学生的学习方式都得到了改善,收到了良好的教育效果。本研究是在借鉴国外选课制理论研究的基础上,结合我国实际情况,吸取现代教育精神的精华的基础上进行的。选课制是顺应新课程改革出现的一种教学管理制度,它适应我国的特殊国情。本文主要从选课制的概念分析入手,通过对选课制理论背景的分析以及与学分制的关系,论述了选课制自身的特征、实施的必要性以及选课制实施的功能和价值意义;通过国内外选课制实施的比较研究,分析了我国高中实施的选课制对外国选课制的借鉴;本文还介绍了我国新课程改革的实施现状,并通过个案分析,揭露出我国选课制实施过程中存在的问题,并针对我国选课制实施中出现的问题提出了完善我国选课制实施的策略。

【Abstract】 The traditional teaching management system in China has fettered student’s free and full scale development, has buried student’s individuality development and has limited the innovative spirit raise. In order to change the malpractice which under the exam-oriented education the students has raised, the government has released many educational policies and educational system supporting educational reform, implements the new curriculum, fundamentally transforms the traditional educational pattern and education teaching management system in high school, establishes the new teaching management system which adapt to the market economy development needs, namely, Class-selecting system --- a new high school teaching management system which takes class-selecting as the core and coordinates with the credit system, to raise the new century talented person of full scale development. The new curriculum reform’s implementation enabled our country’s education quality to have a great scope enhancement, the teacher’s teaching method and the way as well as student’s study way in school education was improved, it also improved the education environment, and received better education effectsThis study was based on the use of the theory research of the Class-selecting system in foreign country, unified our country’s actual situation and absorbed modern education spirit essence. The Class-selecting system was one kind of teaching management system which applies to the new curriculum reform, it adapts to our country’s special national condition. This paper mainly begin from analyzing the conception of Class-selecting system, through analyzing the theory background of Class-selecting system as well as the relationship with the Credit system, elaborated the Class-selecting system’s own characteristic, implementation necessity as well as the function and the value significance of implementing Class-selecting system; Through comparing Class-selecting system implemented in domestic and foreign country, analyzed the introduction of in our country High school from the foreign country model; This article also described the present implementation situation of new curriculum reform in our country, and through the case analysis, exposed the question occurred in the process of the implementation of Class-selecting system ,and aiming at these questions which occurred in the Class-selecting system implementation ,proposed some strategy to improve the Class-selecting system in our country.

  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】366

