

The Reformation of History Textbook in Senior High School and Teachers’ Countermeasures

【作者】 张自明

【导师】 曲晓范;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在新一轮的中学课程改革实践过程中,历史学科同其他学科一样,在教材、教学内容、教学指导思想、教学方式等多方面都发生了深刻的变化,从而引起了历史教学工作者的广泛关注,成为讨论热点。如何来应对课程改革的新形势下的高中历史教学的变化?本文通过整理与总结近期学者对于历史新课程改革的论述,结合原有知识与经验。从历史课改的变化与应对这一问题入手,着重分析了如何在专题体例下体现历史学科的时序性、逻辑性;如何根据政治史、经济史、文化史三个必修模块的各自特点,在他们之间建立有机联系;历史教师在改革中需要做出哪些转变等问题。由于受作者的理论水平和实践经验制约,文中所涉及的诸多问题还有待进一步深入探讨,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的作用。

【Abstract】 During the practice of the new turn of curriculum reform, the subject of history is faced with magnificent changes in textbooks, guidelines of teaching, approaches of teaching, etc., which draws wide spread attention from history educators and becomes a heated issue of discussion. One of the measures taken in this reform is that the history textbooks have evolved from introducing general history to special subjects in history, from introducing Chinese and foreign history respectively to putting Chinese and foreign history together. The arrangement of special subjects embodies the spirit of the interpretation of culture history and global history. The characteristics of political history, economic history and culture history are emphasized, which help solve the problems of overemphasizing revolution and struggle history and of the curriculum content’s being complicated, difficult, obscure and outdated.This thesis sorts out and summarizes the recent discussion about the new history curricula and integrates them into the author’s original knowledge and experience. Starting from the issue of the changes brought by the reform and how to react to the changes, the thesis analyses how to embody the time sequence and logic of the new textbooks, how to build connections between political history, economic history and culture history,what changes are needed to be done by history teachers in the reform. Due to the limits of the author’s level of theory and practical experience, many issues of mentioned in the papers are still in need of future study.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】417

