

【作者】 杜小丽

【导师】 顾肖荣;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 知识产权犯罪被形象地称为“经济毒品”,原因在于知识产权犯罪成本低,获利丰厚,知识产权犯罪具有后继性和扩散性,严重的知识产权犯罪将对国家的经济、政治、社会和国际声誉产生非常不利的影响。我国目前正处于知识产权犯罪的高发阶段,有效保护知识产权对于被称为“21世纪世界工厂”的我国来说意义重大,如何有效的控制和预防此类犯罪是刑法理论界和司法实务界日益关注的重要问题。每一个法制健全的社会都存在繁简不一、轻重不等的多种社会调整方式。在这众多的社会调整方式当中,刑罚是最为严厉的一种,是社会的最后一道防线。刑罚制度是刑法的重要组成部分,刑罚制度的完善制约着整个刑事制度的发展。我国知识产权犯罪在刑罚配置上存在一些不合理的地方,本文拟以此为契机,探讨如何合理重构知识产权犯罪的刑罚体系,以更有效的惩罚、预防和控制知识产权犯罪,从而保障我国建设“创新型国家”战略的顺利进行。本文分为四个部分,第一部分为知识产权犯罪和刑罚配置的概述,为本文的基础理论部分。第二部分介绍我国知识产权犯罪刑罚制度的发展脉络及现状,并分析我国现存知识产权犯罪刑罚配置的不足之处,即提出问题。第三部分根据知识产权犯罪及犯罪人的特征分析其刑种选择,并对自由刑、罚金刑和资格刑进行具体配置,探讨各刑种中存在的争议点,即分析问题。第四部分为知识产权犯罪的刑罚条文设计暨结束语,即解决问题。具体方案设计为:对自由刑不做调整,但谨慎适用;将罚金刑从附加刑上升为主刑,并对罚金刑的数额确定模式、缓刑制度等进行设置;针对单位知识产权犯罪和自然人知识产权犯罪增设不同内容的资格刑。我国的知识产权犯罪刑罚配置应着眼于我国的具体国情和国际刑罚发展趋势,既不固守,也不盲从,使知识产权的刑罚配置最有利于我国经济的发展和社会的进步。本文主要对知识产权犯罪的刑罚配置进行研究,提出知识产权犯罪的一整套刑罚配置方案。但在写作中本文也力求兼顾刑罚的一般性问题,以期对其他类型的犯罪尤其是经济犯罪的刑罚配置提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 Intellectual Property Crime is called‘economy drug’, because it can bring substantive profits upon little cost, and it is diffusibily. Serious intellectual property crime will cause very bad influence to our country. Now the intellectual property crime happens very frequently in China. Our government, our judge and our scholar care about how to control the crime very urgently. Protecting intellectual property effectively is very important to us,‘The World Factory of the 21st Century’.There are many regulating manners in every law nomocracy society, and penalty is the severest one of them, penalty is the last safeguard of our society. As the important part of criminal system, the consummating of penalty system is interrelated of the developing of the whole criminal system. There are some immoderate provisions about our penalty collocating of Intellectual Property crime. I will study how to design new penalty items of penalty on intellectual property crime in this article, the tenet is to discuss how to punish, defend and control the crime more effectively. I hope it can be good to ensuring the constructing of innovative country.This article is composed of four parts. The first one is the summarization of intellectual property crime and penalty. The first part is basal theory of the article.The second part introduces the history and actuality of penalty system on intellectual property crime in China, then points out the deficiency of our penalty system.The third part designs the freedom penalty, fine penalty and qualification penalty detailed. The last part solves the problem. The scenario is that: maintaining the article for freedom penalty, but applying it prudentially, advancing the status of fine penalty, and consummating probation, etc, adding qualification penalty to different criminal. At the same time, for the most benefit of our country, we should adjust our penalty system on intellectual property crime based on the situation of our country and the current of the penalty of the international society.The article researches the penalty system of crimes against intellectual property mainly, at last designs one system for them. At the same time, the article also pays attention to the universality of penalty in our criminal law in order to provide some consultation for the whole criminal system.

  • 【分类号】D923.4;D924.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】306

