

【作者】 高卫锋

【导师】 杨鹏飞;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 产品召回制度是一种消费者保护制度,其通过规定产品的生产者对其缺陷产品负有召回义务,改变了传统的诉讼救济保护方式中消费者处于被动的博弈模式,从而有利于减少缺陷产品对社会造成的损害,保护消费者利益。产品召回制度自诞生于美国的汽车领域后,迅速扩展到美国很多的日用消费品领域,其他国家也纷纷继美国之后建立了该制度。近年来,我国也在部分行业内建立了召回制度,但实施中遇到了一定的问题。本文通过对美国等代表性国家的产品召回制度进行分析,讨论了我国产品召回制度的现状以及存在的问题,并在此基础上就完善我国产品召回制度提出了具体的对策和建议。文章具体内容分为如下几个部分:第一章:产品召回制度概述。本章介绍了产品召回制度的概念、功能和意义、产生的历史背景及渊源,同时介绍了产品召回的种类。第二章:一些国家和地区的产品召回制度概况。产品召回制度发端于美国,并且迅速被其他国家接受。本章重点内容介绍了美国的产品召回制度,主要介绍了其产品召回制度的概况、程序、产品召回制度和惩罚性赔偿的关系,及其制度的特点。同时简要介绍了其他国家(地区)的产品召回制度。第三章:产品召回制度中若干问题的辨析与比较。本章主要对产品召回制度的性质做了探讨,并且对产品召回制度中的缺陷做了辨析和比较,同时也将产品召回制度和“三包”、产品责任制度加以比较分析。第四章:我国召回制度的现状和完善建议。我国现有的产品召回由于缺乏有效的惩罚制约机制,对于缺陷的定义也不够科学合理,因而我国的产品召回制度并未取得很好的效果。我们应当进一步完善政府部门对召回行为的规范,科学地设计相应的惩罚体系,统一并科学规范“缺陷”的定义,完善召回义务主体的范围,并建立统一的便于操作的召回程序,使产品召回制度能够有效运行,从而更好地保护消费者权益,实现生产者和消费者的和谐。

【Abstract】 The product recall system is a new system of consumer protection. By the obligation of producer to recall the defective product, the game of the production the consumer mainly by the civil action way will be changed. This will be beneficial to decrease the damage of the defective produce to the society. The product recall system firstly arises in the automobile field in American in 1966, and then spread to the other daily necessities of many countries. Late years, the product recall system was built up in China.Based on the analysis of the product recall system of America and other countries, the essay also discusses the current situation and the existent problems of the system in our country. As well, the writer gives the detailed suggestions and solutions on the improvement of this system. The contents of the essay are arranged as following:Chapter I: The common knowledge of the product recall system. This part introduces the definition, function, the significance and the history of the product recall system, as well as the class of the product recall system.Chapter II: The product recall system in some countries. The system comes from America, and is accepted by other countries. This chapter mostly introduces the system of America, including procedure, the connection of the system and the punish damage system, and the characteristic of the system development. The system in other countries and area is briefly introduced.Chapter III: The characteristics of the product recall system, as well as the differences of some related legal terms. In this part, the writer mainly discusses the characteristics of the system, the definition of the“defect”, the connection of the system and the product liability system.Chapter IV: This chapter discusses the current situation and the improvement of the product recall system in our country. The current system doesn’t achieve good results because of lacking of the effective punitive system. In order to protect the consumer better, and set up harmonious relationship between producer and the consumer, we should perfect the supervision on the recall act of the governmental units; create a reasonable punitive system, and scientifically definite the“defect”. Besides, we should also complete the bodies of the recall obligation and build up a convenience and unified recall procedure.

  • 【分类号】D923.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】467

