

A Study on Inventory Control of Seasonal Goods in Supply Chain

【作者】 李银侠

【导师】 杨茂盛;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 网络技术把人类社会经济发展带入了一个新的时代,21世纪由于电子商务浪潮的推动,中国的物流业出现了前所未有的热潮。物流学科的产生和应用给国民经济和企业的生产经营带来难以估量的经济效益。新的动向表明,物流现代化已成为中国经济发展的杠杆。全球制造和经济一体化促使了企业间竞争地不断加剧,逐渐由同行业单个企业间的竞争演变为由一系列上下游合作伙伴企业构成的供应链之间的竞争,使得供应链管理成为企业管理的核心内容,而库存管理则又是供应链管理中的重中之重。库存过剩和缺货带来的损失可以大大削弱企业的盈利能力和市场竞争力,库存不仅影响着某一节点企业的成本,而且也制约着整个供应链的综合成本、整体性能和竞争优势。因此,如何实现产品的产销均衡,建立最有效地库存控制系统,最大地实现产品的时间效益和空间效益,已成为商品生产企业关注地核心问题。本文介绍了供应链环境下的一种新的管理模式——VMI库存管理模式,对季节性商品相关环节的运作做了研究。在介绍供应链管理以及库存管理相关理论知识的基础上,采用季节性指数平滑法进行了需求预测并证实了预测模型的可行性。并根据季节性商品自身的特点,通过建立零售商与批发商的二级库存系统,运用相关理论提出了供应商与零售商的最优库存补货策略模型,并以实例说明了模型在很大程度上可以降低供应链上各个合作伙伴的物流成本,增加利润,实现各合作伙伴的共赢,增强整个供应链的市场竞争力。最后对多品种的季节性商品的补货策略作了进一步地设想。从而说明了VMI管理模式能够实现库存控制和供需的恰当匹配,不仅可以满足供应链上下游成员所下达的订货需求,更重要的是供应商拥有了控制其下游成员再供应决策的权利,以合作伙伴关系为基础,强调信息共享、利益共享、风险分担,进而在供应链成员间建立起了互信共赢的集成环境,促进了供应链的畅通。

【Abstract】 With the development of network technology, human society economic development enters a new age. In the Twentieth Century because of electronic commerce promotion, the trend of logistics in China appears an unprecedented upsurge. The generation and application of logistics brings great commerce benefits for national economy and enterprise production management. It is shown that logistics modernization has been the lever of economic development in China.Global economy and manufacturing integrated impels competitions among enterprises to become more and more aggravating. These competitions have been changed among from all single enterprises to supply chains which are composed of a series of upstream and downstream enterprises. So the supply chain management becomes the corn content of the enterprise management. And inventory management is the corn content of the supply chain management. The loss brought by overstock and shortage cost can weaken profit ability and market competitiveness of the enterprise greatly. It can restrict not only the cost of the node enterprise but also the comprehensive cost, whole performance and competitive advantage of the whole supply chain. Therefore, the corn problem the enterprises is how to get the balance of production and sale, how to establish an effective inventory control system and how to realize the spatial value and time value of the products.This paper demonstrates a new management mode in supply chain-Vender Management Inventory (VMI) and studies on the process of seasonal goods. First, this paper introduces some theories about supply chain management and inventory. Second, it builds a model with seasonal exponential smoothing and shows the model is feasible to forecast demand by empirical analysis. Third, according to some characteristics about the seasonal goods, it puts forward an optimal inventory replenishment model between wholesaler and retailer by building two-echelon inventory system. Then the paper demonstrates this model can greatly reduce the logistic costs of all partners in supply chain, increase profit, implement all partners win-win, and then enhance competitive ability of the whole supply chain. Last, the paper assumes some modes and methods about multi-item seasonal goods. To sum up, all of above show that VMI can not only realize the balance between inventory controlling and supply-demand properly but also meet the requirements of customers who are upstream and downstream partners in the supply chain. So, it makes the upstream suppliers have the right to make some decision about supply-demand of goods for the downstream partners. Basing on the cooperative partnership, this management model is focusing on information sharing, revenue sharing, and risk sharing. It realizes an integrated environment among all partners in supply chain which can promote the supply chain smoothly.

  • 【分类号】F224;F253.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】522

