

Study on the Technology Selection and Government Policy Concerning Energy Efficiency in Buildings

【作者】 吉琳娜

【导师】 李芊;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “十七大”政府工作报告把建筑节能列入国家“十一五”规划和十大节能工程,把建筑节能工作提高到了国家战略的高度,足见建筑节能工作的重要性和紧迫性以及我国政府对建筑节能的重视。我国在建筑节能方面取得了一定的成绩,但是目前我国建筑节能工作进展缓慢,最重要的原因之一就是缺乏建筑节能技术的支持。如何从建筑节能主体角度出发,选择与之适用的建筑节能技术,是本文的主要研究内容。文章以建筑节能相关主体为切入点研究建筑节能技术的选择。建筑节能技术选择的主体包括政府、项目投资者、和使用者。对于不同的节能主体的建筑节能技术评价与选择,主要从建筑节能技术的先进适用性、经济的合理性和社会环境效益显著性来进行综合分析。首先,从宏观角度进行分析,对于政府的建筑节能技术选择,融入了全生命周期评价理论和环境经济学理论,分析建筑节能技术全生命周期的各个阶段对环境的影响,建立简式生命周期矩阵评价模型,并建立政府的建筑节能技术评价指标体系。其次,投资者主要从微观角度对建筑节能技术进行选择,投资者对建筑节能技术的选择是建筑节能技术应用的关键。投资主体更加关注节能效果是否有利于实现拟建工程的节能目标,应用节能技术的成本增加是否可以或愿意承受,节能技术是否有成功应用的案例或成熟的使用经验,节能技术的使用是否有可靠的人力、物力保障条件,是否对施工现场的安全生产和环境保护有特殊要求等。并建立投资者的建筑节能技术评价指标体系。再次,从定性角度分析项目使用者及既有建筑使用者对建筑节能技术的选择。指出要以建筑物在使用过程中资源消耗数据为基础,建立以政府有关部门、物业管理、使用者为主体的建筑物能源消耗测定体系,在对取得数据进行分析的基础上,评价建筑节能技术的应用效果,发现建筑节能技术应用中存在的问题,反馈问题,以便更好地开展建筑节能工作。此外,结合既有建筑节能技术改造项目案例进行实证分析,运用技术经济评价方法分析了采用既有建筑节能改造技术的可行性,证实采用节能技术具有很大的节能综合效益。最后,论述我国建筑节能技术政策的发展,分析了我国建筑节能技术政策存在的问题,对我国建筑节能技术政策的有效性提出了建议,政府要运用强制性与鼓励性并存的建筑节能技术政策推进建筑节能工作的开展。

【Abstract】 In accordance with the report to the seventeenth CPC National Congress, energy efficiency in building has been included in the eleventh Five-year Plan and listed as one of the ten energy-conserving projects. Thus, energy efficiency in building has been raised to a high level in national strategy. It is obvious that the government attaches great importance to energy efficiency in building and realizes the urgency of it. China has made certain achievements in energy-saving in building. However, the progress is slow because of the lack of technical support. This thesis mainly focuses on how to choose the proper technology in consideration of energy efficiency in building.The author of this thesis studies technology selection by choosing the entry point-subjects related to energy efficiency in building. The subjects of technology selection concerning energy-efficiency in building consist of the government, the project investors and the users. As for the concrete evaluation and selection of energy-saving technology in building, the author will make a comprehensive analysis of the application, reasonableness as well as the social benefit significance of the energy efficiency technology in building.First, the author analyzes the government’s selecting of energy-efficiency technology from a macro viewpoint. Theories including Life Cycle Assessment theories, Environment Economy Theory have been used to analyze the energy-efficiency influence on the environment during different steps of the technical life circle, to build streamlined life-cycle assessments and to make the government’s technology evaluation index system.Second, the investor mainly selects energy-efficiency technology from the micro perspective. The key of the energy-efficiency technology lies on the investor’s selection. Investors are more concerned about whether the technology can help realize the energy-efficiency target in building, whether the increase of energy-efficiency technology cost is acceptable, whether there are existing successful energy-efficiency technology application cases, whether the adoption of the energy-efficiency technology can be guaranteed by reliable human resource and material resource. In addition, the special requirements concerning the security of the construction site and environment protection are considered by the investors. They also set up energy-efficiency technology evaluation index system.Third, the author makes a qualitative analysis concerning the project investor’s and the building users’ choosing of energy-efficiency technology. The author points out the need to making an energy consumption determination system for the benefit of main parts (relevant government departments, the property managing departments and the building’s user). The energy determination system is made on the basis of the resource consumption data gained in the process of building usage. By analyzing the relevant data, the author makes an evaluation on the effect of the energy efficiency technology in building, find out the existing problems and get the feedback in order to better carry out the energy efficiency work in building.In addition, by studying the practical cases (energy-efficiency technology transformation project) and using the technical economic evaluation methods, the author makes an empirical analysis of the energy-saving technology avalibity brought by the adoption of the present energy-efficiency technology in building. It is proved that the adoption of energy efficiency technology has great comprehensive benefit for the energy efficiency.Finally, the author discusses the development of China’s energy technologies, analyzes the existing problems. The author also gives suggestions on the effectiveness of China’s energy efficiency policy in building. That is, the government should promote the development of the energy efficiency work by combining both the mandatory and the encouraging policies

  • 【分类号】TU201.5
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】3950

