

Study on the Spatial Structure Mode of Regional Towns in Northern Shaanxi

【作者】 李晶

【导师】 周庆华;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪50年代以来,区域城镇空间研究日益成为区域社会经济发展的先导前沿,人们认识到从区域角度研究城镇和从城镇角度研究区域的重要性与必要性。陕北是中华文明的重要发源地之一,从河谷阶地的原始遗址到流域体系的城镇乡村,有史以来形成的城镇空间形态发展模式基本保持着连续的进程,隐含着珍贵的人居环境原始基因,具有很高的科学研究价值。然而,近年来由于陕北石油、天然气、煤炭等能源的开发和利用,促使城镇化进程逐渐加快,打破了原有人居环境演化的平稳步伐,城镇发展脉络开始发生突变,城镇化建设发展与河谷生态环境之间的矛盾日益突出。因此,从区域层面分析陕北地区城镇空间形态结构的规模、形态、特征和演化方式,探讨陕北区域城镇空间结构布局的特性,从而提出与之相适应的空间结构布局模式,为政府的宏观调控提供科学的决策依据,对建立和谐人居环境、缓解人与自然关系矛盾和优化空间格局将具有非常重要的意义。论文着重总结了国内外有代表性的空间结构演变理论和黄土高原与河谷型城镇相关动态研究。在对陕北地区城镇数量、人口分布、城镇职能等相关分析基础上,深入研究陕北地区城镇的发展状况及空间结构形态。通过搜集历史文献及考古等资料,认识陕北地区城镇空间形成、发展和演变的历程,深入剖析了独特河谷地貌所形成的城镇空间的波动性、更替性、动态性等相关规律,并就自然环境、交通网络、社会经济文化等影响陕北区域城镇空间结构演化的主要因素及其作用机制等方面内容进行了探讨。最后,围绕着如何发挥中心城镇在区域发展中的带动作用,以城镇的合理布局来促进陕北的区域经济发展,提出构建了区域城镇空间结构布局趋势,论文还针对空间布局模式还提出了相应的优化意见和实施建议。

【Abstract】 Ever since the 1950s, with the space research on regional urban gradually becoming the leading element of its social economic development, people is increasingly aware of the importance and necessity of studying on towns with a regional perspective and on regions in the town side. The North Shaanxi is one of the important cradles of Chinese civilization. From the original sites on valley terrace to the towns and villages along valleys, its space development model formed throughout history totally is promoted in a non-stop process. It also implies the precious original gene of living environment , which is of high scientific research values. However, due to the exploitation on the oil, gas, coal and other energy in recent years, its urbanization development is speeding up, which broke the steady pace of the evolution of living surroundings, changed its vessels of urban development, deteriorated the contradiction between urbanization construction and development and the valley environment. Therefore, it will have great significance to provide a model of spatial structural layout accordingly, to serve the government’ s macro-control with some scientific basis for decision making, to establish a harmonious living environment, to ease the conflicts between man and nature and to optimize the space pattern, by studying on the special spatial structure layout of regional towns in North Shaanxi and analyze its size, shape, character and evolution in region aspect.The thesis will sum up the progress and practice of theory related to the urban spatial structure and layout around the world, especially focus on the evolution theory of some representative spatial structure, and the research on Loess Plateau and valley towns. Meanwhile, study deeply on the development situation of towns and summarize the spatial structure conditions of regional towns in North Shaanxi, on the base of analyzing the data of the town quantity, population distribution and the function the major cities and towns. The author will be clear about the process of forming, developing and evolving of its urban space by collecting a large number of historical documents and archaeological information, dissect the relevant laws, such as: the fluctuation, substitute and dynamic of the urban space formed by its unique valley landscape. And go deeper into major factors and mechanism, which have impact on the evolution of the regional spatial structure in North Shaanxi. Finally, but not the lest important, the paper will propose the programme on building up structure layout of the regional urban space around the issue of how to play the leading role of central towns during its region development, in order to promote the regional economic development by using of the reasonable layout. And it also put forward some corresponding optimization views and implementation suggestion on the point of its layout model.

  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】370

