

Residential Building of the Xi’an City Enery-Conservation Transformatuon

【作者】 惠祥昆

【导师】 杜高潮;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展,能源短缺日益严重,建筑节能变得越来越重要。我国既有住宅量大面广,且绝大多数为非节能型建筑,运行能耗巨大。因此,能否对其实现节能改造,决定着最终能否促进资源、能源的有效利用,走可持续发展的道路。西安市城镇既有住宅普遍室内热环境较差,冬季寒冷潮湿,夏季炎热干燥。大量既有居住建筑冬季采暖能耗、夏季空调能耗巨大,随着居民对室内热环境要求的提高及相关节能法规、政策的完善,对此类建筑的节能改造研究颇具现实意义。本文以西安地区具有代表性的80年代、90年代典型住宅为例,采用实地测试、理论计算及计算机模拟计算三种方法对其进行建筑能耗评定;在此基础上主要针对西安市城镇既有住宅的特点,利用西安地区现有施工技术和节能材料,提出了围护结构设计及选用要点,并对围护结构各部位的构造做法提出若干种设计方案,总结出了适合西安市城镇既有住宅节能改造技术设计准则、要素、方法、方案。减少既有住宅的能源资源消耗,走可持续发展之路。

【Abstract】 With the social and economic development, the energy shortage is serious, so building energy conservation has become more important. But the Extant Residence Buildings have large number and wide range in China, and the most are non-energy-efficient buildings, energy consumption is great. Therefore, the Extant Residence Buildings are realized energy-saving transformation, this will decide to promote resources, efficient utilization energy, and take the path of sustainable development.The common indoors of the Extant Residence Buildings in Xi’an feature thermal environment poor, damp and cold in winder, hot and dry in summer. Large number of the Extant Residence Buildings energy consumption is huge, including winter heating energy consumption and air-conditioned summer. With the requirements of indoor thermal environment and the improvement of the related laws and regulations, the research of the construction of energy-saving transformation is significant.Based on the typical residential of Xi’an 1980s, 1990s, this paper uses three methods to evaluate buildings energy consumption, including field tests, theoretical calculations and computer simulation. Aiming at the characteristics of the Extant Residence Buildings in Xi’an, some design schemes are proposed for the structure of the building envelope optional elements, and the design rule, factor, project of the Residential energy-saving transformation technology are summed up. So that these design scheme can reduce the residential energy consumption, and take a path of sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】TU201.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】87

