

Unit Pollution Load Analysis of Subsistence Drainage in the City

【作者】 解宝民

【导师】 王晓昌;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着工业化和城镇化的发展,工业废水、生活污水的大量排放,河流等水体的污染日益严重。借助点源污染负荷和水体水质之间的响应关系建立水质模型,是研究河流等水体的水污染特性、水环境容量及进行流域水环境污染控制的重要方法。而作为水质模型的主要输入数据,污染负荷的确定是至关重要的,其精确度决定了水质模型输出结果的可靠性及适用性。城市生活排水的污染负荷是影响河流水体水质的主要点源负荷,通常是按照单位污染负荷及排水人数确定其负荷大小。因此有必要根据城市生活排水的水质及水量监测结果确定合理、精确、适合研究区域的城市生活排水单位污染负荷,以提高水质模型的模拟精度。西安市是我国西部地区的经济、政治、文化中心,具有重要的战略地位。渭河是流经西安市的主要河流,也是接纳其工业、生活等排水的河流水体。随着工业的发展以及人口的高速增长,渭河年接纳的点源污染负荷日益增加,水体污染逐年加重,水环境质量不断恶化,阻碍了西安市乃至陕西的可持续发展。本文选取西安建筑科技大学南院某高层住宅楼的一处生活排水为监测地点,对其排水的水质及水量进行监测,借以分析城市生活排水中化学需氧量(COD)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和氨氮(NH3-N)等主要水质指标及水量的变化规律,研究城市生活排水的污染特性。并根据监测结果分析确定了适合西安的城市生活排水的单位污染负荷,为确定西安市乃至渭河流域的城市生活排水点源污染负荷提供了具有针对性、适用性的基础数据支持,研究结果可以提高针对渭河水体建立的相关水质模型的模拟精度。

【Abstract】 With the development of the industrialization and the urbanization ,the increase of the industrial and subsistence waste water ,Water pollution of the river became more and more serious. building the water quality model by zhe responded connection with point source pollution load and water quality is the important way to research the characteristic of water pollution , water environment capacity and pollution control of the drainage area. As the mostly input date, ascertain the pollution load is very important,it’s accuracy decides the reliability and applicability of the output date of the water quality model.The pollution load of the city’s subsistence drainage is the mostly point source pollution load which has a infection with the water quality of river,usually we ascertain the date by unit pollution load and the population of the area. So it’s necessary to make sure that the date shoud have more precise and more applicable which based on the inspect of water quality and water flux to improve the simulation precision of the water quality model.Xi’an is the center of economy, seience, technology, nadedueation in the west of China. The Wei river is the chiefly river flow through the city of xi’an and also take up all the industrial and subsistence waste water. With the development of the industrialization and the population increases fastly,the point source pollution load which the Wei river received more and more,the water pollution also became more serious and water quality turn to much worsening,it has affected the sustainable development of the city of xi’an even the province of shan xi.The text chooses the high-rise house in xi’an university of architecture and technology as the inspect object,have a research to the water quality and water flux to analyse the movement rule of COD,TP,TN and NH3-N, also have a research to the characteristic of water pollution of subsistence drainage. Then we make certain the date of unit pollution load adapt to the city of xi’an by the result which we had researched. The date is pertinency and conformable to the research that make certain the point source pollution load of subsistence drainage in xi’an even all the Wei river drainage area, and it also could improve the simulation precision of the water quality model of Wei river.

  • 【分类号】X832
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】163

