

Research on Bus Paying System Based on Psychology Theory of Industrial Design

【作者】 马帅

【导师】 樊超然;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 以心理学理论为指导的工业产品设计就是围绕着消费者这一中心,通过科学地把握人们的生理和心理尺度,尊重人们的民族习惯和生活习惯来进行产品定位和设计的。工业设计把为人服务作为设计的最高目的,在适合人们使用的同时,要与环境相协调,是站在推动社会发展、改善和提高人们的生存环境与生活质量的高度来理解“以人为中心”的设计原则的。本文通过对现实生活族人群在乘车高峰时期的乘车行为和使用投币系统的行为过程进行了深入调研,重点研究了乘客人群在等车、乘车过程中所表现出来的心理状态,并针对造成这些不良心理状态的因素进行系统分析,综合公交车司机人群和公交公司钱币收集人群的设计诉求,整体规划出了一整套适合用户人群的无人售票公交投币系统。这套系统是用在公交车上的用于完成乘客与公交公司之间的服务与被服务的一整套系统,具体包含车站服务系统、公交车上的车载系统等。这套系统是在对用户人群的乘车行为习惯、使用习惯进行心理学分析后,总结归纳出的符合用户人群心理需求、生理需求、使用需求的公交车投币系统。本文总结归纳出了工业设计心理学的定义、公交车投币系统的定义,并提出了符合用户人群需求的无人售票公交投币系统的设计方案。

【Abstract】 Industrial product design which is customer-centered and based on psychological theory is positioned according to the scientific measures of psychology and physiology and the respect for the nation’s habits and daily habits. It views servicing people as the highest purpose, especially harmonizing with the environment as well as conforming to the use of people. The foundation of design is people-orientated in order to promote the development of the society and improve the living environment and living quality of people.This thesis deeply researches into different groups of people’s behavior about riding and using the system at rush hours. It emphasizes on the psychological state of people’s bus waiting and riding. Through analyzing the causes of the negative psychology, the thesis establishes a set of perfect system of no-person’s ticket selling, meeting with the requirements of drivers and fare collectors. It is used on buses to finish the service between bus drivers and customers, including station service system, fare casting system on buses. After analyzing people’s riding habits, using IC card habits, we found it reasonable and correct.This project research will give a general definition of using the system of no-person’s ticket selling. It can also set a good public riding order.

  • 【分类号】U469.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】464

