

The Stability of Biaxial Bending of Tapered I-section Beam-Columns with Slender Web

【作者】 贾川

【导师】 杨应华;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 防灾减灾及防护工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用有限元程序ANSYS,考虑材料非线性,几何非线性,腹板局部屈曲与构件整体屈曲的相关作用,初始几何缺陷及残余应力,建立了能较好反映实际情况的薄腹工形变截面双向压弯构件的有限元模型。通过改变有限元模型中的腹板宽厚比,构件长细比,楔率,残余应力等参数,得出构件稳定极限承载力的有限元结果,研究了上述几何参数以及残余应力对薄腹工形变截面双向压弯构件弹塑性稳定承载力的影响。根据《钢结构设计规范》(GB50017-2003)和《门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程》(CECS 102:2002),提出薄腹工形变截面双向压弯构件稳定极限承载力的两种简化计算方法,将两种简化方法的计算结果与有限元结果进行比较,表明两种简化方法大部分情况均是安全的,在个别情况下偏不安全。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the FEM model of biaxial bending of tapered I-section beam-columns with slender web which consider the interactive buckling is built for the geometrically nonlinear and materially nonlinear analysis. In order to simulate the practical situation, the imperfection of the members and the residual stresses are considered. And parametric analysis of the member is carried out and FEM results of ultimate load-carrying capacity will be obtained by changing parameters, including web plate width-thickness ratio, slenderness ratio of column, tapering ratio and residual stress etc... The influence of these parameters to the elastic-plastic stability carrying capacity is researched.According to GB50017-2003 and CECS 102 : 2002, two methods which are used to calculate the stability carrying capacity of biaxial bending of tapered I-section beam-columns with slender web are proposed. The results are compared with those of FEM. It indicates that the results of the methods are safe in the common situation and unsafe in the exceptional cases.

  • 【分类号】TU391;TU311.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】94

